» Education & Science » Complaint / Review: Premier Savings Aka (Premier Nationwide Corportation) F.Y.I. (There Is NO CORPORATION) - This is the INSIDE TRUTH about Premier from BEHIND THE SCENES!. #286685

Complaint / Review
Premier Savings Aka (Premier Nationwide Corportation) F.Y.I. (There Is NO CORPORATION)
This is the INSIDE TRUTH about Premier from BEHIND THE SCENES!

Your numbers and addresses are bought from outside sources. Everyday over 1,000 postcards go out to the people who are on a DO NOT CALL LIST. If Premier can't contact you by phone then they send out misleading postcards in the mail stating, " We have been trying to reach you about your credit cards. Call within 3 days to get a lower interest rate." There is an acceptance code below these lines that looks like: ACCEPTANCE CODE zhdi8673.

There are no acceptance codes and you are not pre-qualified!!! The truth is every morning the sales manager starts with a meeting and spiffs for the sales reps. The reps then start dialing and the LIES AND DECIET BEGIN!!!

Once you pick up that phone there is not a single bit of honesty or even sincereity that comes out of these rep's mouths and sadly enough some of them really believe they are helping you! They don't know that 95% of you will get turned down and / or be extremly unsatisfied with the "services" the specialists are supposed to provide you with. There ARE NO SPECIALISTS!!!

These "specialists" are different from the reps though, there are only four of them and they are just regular people ranging in age from 19 to 60 years old and none of them even have a formal education!!!

As the rep's are selling you the services and rebuttling against your doubts there is a floor manager listening in on your conversations and coaching the rep's by yelling across the floor, " CLOSE THIS PIECE OF SHIT!"
After you are "closed, " you will soon get a phone call from verifications in which there will be a tape recorded conversation of you being taken advantage of. The next morning a Gateway to Savings Plan Packet will be sent out by priority mail and this WILL be the only porduct or service you will ever see from them! If you try to cancel and you have a right under Federal Law to cancel and get a FULL refund back within 3 days, you will be lucky to get through. There is NO ONE who can help you with your cancelation other than a woman named Debbie Hanes (which her last name is made up, the real one is Hershyrn). When you call to cancel the receptionist and or customer service specialist forewarn Debbie and therefore she WILL NOT CALL YOU BACK until the three days are up. There is no record or proof that you called either so it's your word against their's. The SECRET to getting Debbie on the phone though is for your Lawyer, Bank, or Credit Card Dispute Department to call with you on three way. You have never seen this woman run so fast to phone until the company may get caught for something!!!

The 3 banks that you have been "pre-qualified" through are the same old banks you see on every street corner daily. Other than the packet you will be given the number to 3 banks, thats right, you make the call, you get the denial letters, you ask for your credit reports if necessary, and then you send the denial letters to Premier at Attention: Debbie, and then at some point when Debbie gets time away from doing nothing all day you MAY get your 60% LESS of the purchasing price (439.00).

Don't be a VICTIM!!! We all want to be debt free but when that phone rings and Premier Savings is boasting about you being Pre-Qualified, just sit back and think. If you are thousands of dollars in debt and late on payments, then your credit has been damaged in some way and your NOT going to get a 9% interest rate!!! Its just good old common sense! It does not matter if you had a bankruptcy or foreclosure 3 months or 5 years ago, you're not getting approved! It takes 7 years for derogatory marks on your credit to go away!!!
There are many reasons as to why all the calls made from the reps at Premier are blocked/unknown numbers. Why they lie about where they are located, whhy they sell to NO ONE IN THE STATE OF ARIZONA, and why the managers go by false last names!!!

These people are borderline legal frauds and they know it!!!

The faces behind the company are:
Eric Synstadt—Owner
Elena Chzykowski (also goes by false last name)—Office Manager
Debbie Heryshryn aka Debbie Hanes—Customer Service Manager and THE BIGGEST JOKE OF A HUMAN BBEING OF ALL!
Tom Cox—Sales manager

Contact the BBB and AZ Attorney General and any one else for that matter to help you and thouusands of others get justice from these crooks!!!


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