» Education & Science » Complaint / Review: Ameritrain Inc - I Would like to say my part, Former IT director. #23113

Complaint / Review
Ameritrain Inc
I Would like to say my part, Former IT director

I would like to start by saying that I appologize to all of my former students for the situation that has occured. I have sat by for the last four months and have kept reading this site watching the actions of my former employer come full circle. I will start by saying that the Team in charlotte was doing everything WE could to provide the best training for our students. Say what you will, but that was our intent. The corporate office however was only concerned with one thing, the amount of money we could charge and the amount of seats we could fill. Every idea that could improve the quality of the courses we were delivering was looked at. Those which could be implemented locally without need for additional resources were, and any idea that took away from the pure profitiability of the courses was declined by the corporate office. For those of you who are angry about the level of service at ameritrain, I understand completeley and you should be. The way the buisness was run was flawed from the begining.

I would also like to say a few things to various people who wrote in on this site.

Obviously you have know idea what happened when I left. I was not fired for not being certified. I was fired because I taught an extremly poor course and management deemed it easier to fire me than refund the 45,000 tuition payed by all of the students in that class. For the record I am certified in the following areas.

MCP 2-99
NT4.0 WS
NT4.0 Srvr
NT4.0 Net ess

Ccna 3-01

A 2-01

I also started in this industry in 1995, when I enlisted in the Navy. I planned a corporate wide deployment of windows 2000 in febuary of 2000 and rolled it out in may when the final code was released. So I do know a thing or two about windows 2000 as well. I didn't finish the MCSE because I was too busy working. My fault, but my job came first.

I am obviously the instructor you were meaning. I guess all of the time I tried to help you and David doesn't matter. Nor does the fact I was juggling 2 classes in addition to yours. I imagine that doesn't come to mind when your bashing someone who isn't arguing back. You said you really enjoyed Steven, but I was horrible. I'll let you in on a secret, I trained steven. I recall helping quite a bit as you and david were gearing up for your A tests. It doesn't matter anyway, beacuse you had the drive and the focus to take and pass the test, no matter what I said to you or showed you. That is when you learn the most.

Kevin and Angela,
I was there when you were not... It was in the neighborhood of 7 or 8 classes which you missed. I also never recived any indication from you Steven was not up to your expectations. I also recall polling you several times to see if you were having any problems. Your reply was always no. The reason I remeber this very well is because I was paying extremly close attenetion to your course beacuse it was the first time steven had taught for me.

The training curriculium at Ameritrain really wasn't that bad compared to the rest of the schools in the area. That is where the problem lies, it was good enough to get by. Ameritrain is no worse than any of the other schools in the area, they just had greedier mangement at the corporate level. This has been coming for about a year now. Ameritrain is notorious for not paying its bills. They at one time owed Time Warner Cable over 4 months of unpaid cable modem service. The Atlanta campus has also closed in the same way Charlotte did. Pack up and get out of town before any one notices. I think any of you who feel wronged by this company should sue them. Channel 9 showed up in atlanta about 20 minutes after eveything had been cleared out. Bottom line, they are a bunch of liars. All of them.

I hope that everyone who has dealt with ameritrain will come away with what is owed to them. I still feel a professional responisbility to my students, even though I am no longer employed with ameritrain. Because of this I have set up a mailbox at hotmail for you to contact me by. [email protected] Please feel free to send any questions or problems you may have to that address. I am doing this to help my students complete their goals of becoming certified. I will not be teaching any classes but will be glad to offer technical explanations to questions.

Franklin, North Carolina

Offender: Ameritrain Inc

Country: USA   State: North Carolina   City: Charlotte
Address: 8801 JM Keynes DR
Phone: 7047178009

Category: Education & Science


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