» Education & Science » Complaint / Review: John Robert Powers - Jacksonville, FL ripoff non-payment misrepresentation dishonest non-communication lied photography scam. #182467

Complaint / Review
John Robert Powers
Jacksonville, FL ripoff non-payment misrepresentation dishonest non-communication lied photography scam

I am a 29 year old freelance photographer in Jacksonville FL. I do this as a hobby and as a means to earn extra income on weekends and nights. An online contact from an website "model mayhem" contacted me (modeling/photographer website) to shoot a 'fashion show' at the old Club5 building in 5 points sat. 8/12. Of course I was highly excited. I thought it would be a good opportunity to promote my work and get my foot in the door somewhere. WRONG!

I have attended and photographed one real fashion show here in Jacksonville and was expecting the same, not a drawn out talent show that blamed the 'kids ages' on the total unprofessional way the "fashion" show was tossed together last minute. This should have been my sign to run but I did not.

Our agreement for my photography services was so easy yet they did not honor it. 1. I expedited shipping on my new business cards and was told they would be included in the program guide that is handed out at the show. 2. I was to be able to sell cds from the fashion show at a booth that day, so I created my own forms, brought my mom to watch the booth while I shot pictures, and I opted for $16 each ($1.00 shipping), No not money hungry at all. I was not to be paid for this fashion show and knew this going in so that was a means to earn a little money. I just wanted the experience and to have more runway material in my portfolio.

I got a call from this girl I will leave nameless out of respect that she might not really support what goes on at JRP and hasn't seen these thousands of reports against the companies across the US. I will release all the names if someone feels they can take on this case, which I would only take the money owed to me to date from 5 photoshoots I did for them last saturday (explained later). And any amount over I would start by giving back to a client friend there that has wasted so far $1200 (the lowest package) on her child to attend. Met her on the telephone as she obtained one of my personal biz cards at the show. She called me because she wanted my prices for photography as she couldnt afford the $700 dollars JRP wanted from her for her child's pictures (I state this paragraph to let people out there I know I am serious after choking reading thousands of horrible stories and scams).

2 of my model friends were asked to participate in this show that are NOT affiliated at all with JRP. They are both tall and very fashion model like. Thin Pretty Tall. Another friend was also included in the event but they told her she was too short for fashion and in industry standards considered plus size which I guess is above size 6. (understandable) yet still beautiful girl. All 3 of these contacts could easily be obtained by my portfolio at model mayhem on my friends list as well as on my page at myspace all are in my top 20 list. I have a point for these specifics as well. I believe all these girls will come forward. I cannot guarantee but will guarantee at least two will testify. The third I can't guarantee because she wants outside work doing their bridal and hair shows.

When this new client called me for photography work I told her my charges for doing pictures in the park of kids was $140.00 and she would be given all the pictures and as many outfits as we could squeeze in before she had to leave town and I owe alot to this woman for helping me realize the light, and I believe I have also helped her. This is tech. What I charge for casual shots of kids in the park, and they would receive 15 Photoshopped (graphic design minor at UNF) NICE photos of her child to include on his comp card since she can't afford the $700, as well as 2 cds full of high resolution digital pictures (approx 250 images for $140)

That week there was numerous exchanges between a mutual client on the phone and I truly did gasp that they required this much money for photography at John Robert Powers. $700 is too much yet this is an opinion based on what they've already taken in from these parents. She informed me how much she had paid out to date and had to have her kids comp cards asap for a "conference" in LA. I believe it is MiBa or something to that affect with those characters which I've read now yest. Is also in bed with JRP.

The week of the fashion show, the girl that contacted me for the free work at the fashion show called me finally bc I was confused on how it worked, my booth, etc. But I was excited. She told me to come to the above address listed with an "age specific portfolio". At this point I am still so excited (and stupid) that I didnt even ask about the show format bc I just wanted to photograph a fashion show so bad! I mapquested it, on route got lost, left a voicemail to her asking the name of the business and got no response. Finally I found the building. Second floor Suite 200 was John Robert Powers. I havent been aware of modeling scams until this past week. But have heard the name JRP and John Casablanca in YM type magazines growing up.

I showed up with my portfolio that I spent all weekend picking awesome work to show. Not sure why I needed it bc I was hired already, their current photographer was photographing a wedding on that date an unable. Regardless I brought the portfolio. The head person Nicole at JRP flipped thru it, seemed impressed, even though short, said "we pay $150 a comp card $50 headshot" and was I available to do a test shoot the following saturday the 19th at 10am. (setup at 9:30). I agreed and was so excited!

This was a way to keep my day job with my 74 yr old father whos going blind, and make money on the side. I thought "FINALLY at age 29 with my college degree Im going to earn money" and was confident in my skills and photoshop work so the test shoot was a no sweater for me. Of course I will still nervous as anyone would be.

My mom can witness a few things that happened at the fashion show. Here are the facts:

1. One of the models pointed out her name wasn't included in the brochure, and she wasnt getting paid, and they said there were agents in the crowd. I encouraged her to still walk the runway even though they had to wear their own clothes for Fall Fashions (who puts on a fashion show and makes the models wear their own clothes?), that maybe someone would see her, and its good exposure, but her name wasn't in the program guide. Only one of three girls above mentioned was listed in the program guide.

2. My business card was NOT included as our verbal and written agreement (although I've deleted the correspondances now on model mayhem between the nameless girl that hired me that stated this I believe a verbal contract is still binding. During intermission at the show a client of JRP pulled me aside (as did many) stating they were unhappy with the photography they received in the past on their child (s), and looked at my portfolio setup at a table with my mom and my cards, with the form to help me and buy a cd for $16.00. Based on my portfolio he and many said I did "beautiful work" and have "lovely models" in my book.

This man (nameless unless he wishes to come forward), wanted me to photograph his child. The girl from model mayhem that contacted me saw this exchange (my mom will testify) and pulled me aside as I was saying the words "I am not affiliated with JRP" pulled my arm, and said "yes you are, between you and I, we fired the old photographer w / 90 days notice and could I do the test shoot with his girl (a re-shoot)" I said I cannot do the test shoot with her because Nicole wanted me to do a test shoot with another unhappy lady I met at Wendys down the street at rehearsal night. I was too test shoot with a little boy at 9:30 setup 10 start on the date mentioned per Nicole and I's verbal agreement.

I sold only 7 cds, one parent bought 2. I made $105.00 for the day which doesnt include my time to crop, rotate, edit, and make photo galleries of the show. I didn't care. I just wanted to get my foot in the door. Still clueless. It gets worse

Last week before the test shoot, I made NUMEROUS amounts of calls to JRP with not ONE call back. I felt bad bugging the girl that hired me for the fashion show, bc she has many jobs and I felt I was bugging her. After no call backs, I had to send her a message on model mayhem asking advice. Get this.

The info Line at JRP 363-9944 was given to me by a client of JRP and I called it and they said on the voicemail "they were accepting money for the fashion show cds on MY Behalf and I was also doing test shoot (S) all day saturday and to call the front desk to schedule an appointment with me. WOAH I didn't give consent to this! Nor did they ask me in advance if i was able to shoot these model portfolios that day. I only consented to doing the test shoot at 9:30/10am with a boy _X.

Regardless I said hey thats good, I will make some money right. Nope. So I messaged %X from MM and she said "yes you have 8 appointments that day, the first being your test shoot, but you will be paid for all 8 shoots". I called Jasmine (worker of jrp) 4 times that week because I had questions to arrange my payment as a freelance photographer, (left voicemails bc I was told she was the contact there while Nicole was in LA). I accept cash money orders and paypal. Jasmine did not call back. I finally got through on Wednesday. Eventually someone named Mary picked up and said Nicole was in LA, would be back Thursday and call me then to discuss saturdays photoshoots and then asked if was I able to do the other photoshoots that day (they scheduled them so of course). I said yes I would love too. No call from Nicole.

Once again I messaged _X and asked advice. She said "I would show up Saturday and Nicole will be back and to go over everything with her directly before shooting."

I show up at 9 AM Saturday 8/19 (clueless still) and wait till 9:40 till the lady at the front desk arrived. I walked in and she said "can I help you?" "I am the photographer doing shoots today I replied and asked for Nicole. "Nicole's flight is delayed till Monday in LA." So I asked for Jasmine. Jasmine came out, a very young girl, and she pointed me to Mary, another very young girl.

I asked Mary what the day consisted of, and she gave me a piece of paper which I still have which said "%X (name I photograph under) Photo Shoot with hours blocked off 9:30/10:30 etc. One hour blocks. There is a name, Age, Phone # on the sheet and handwritten are "CC or HS or CC HS" (this stands for comp card, headshot or both.) Mary said "you are not getting paid for the first two test shoots." I chalked it up. I was honestly thinking I was making anywhere from 1000-1600 max that day based on _X's quote "you have 8 appts that day and you are getting paid for even the test shoot." (UM HELLO, IF THEY DOUBTED MY CAPABLITIES AS A PHOTOGRAPHER WOULD THEY REALLY SCHEDULE REAL APPOINTMENTS ALL DAY FOR ME?)

On the sheet there is only 6 names. 1 is crossed off. The 9:30 appt, (I knew this was a cancellation because I opted to help this person and photograph their child before she went out of town on Friday the 18th.) So I was counting on 7 children to photograph, and being paid at a minimum of 7 headshots to a maximum of 7 headshots comp card. $350 start up to $1400.00. This is ALOT of money and good money to me. I also knew from a mutual client of JRP what the cost each parent was to pay. It was $700 dollars. $350 due before photograping and non refundable, the remaining when the pictures arrived. This included the composite cards of a quantity of 100.

They had each parent bring about 10 outfits and the makeup artist (name protected unless she chooses to come forward.) It was up to her to pick which outfits the children wear. During this one hour block for each child, I was to somewhat rotate kids, while one is dressing, shoot a child, (indoors and outdoors), with my professional lighting gear. I was showed the small photography room. The last photographer Dell, his equipment was still setup in that room. Mary asked if we could push it to the back. It consisted of two very large softboxes. I said no because I also have 2 large softboxes. His equipment if I had to guess was more expensive than mine. I wasn't familiar with his gear and it was two big to just roll each light thru the doorway. I had to remove each softbox from the light very carefully bc to me, ITS WRONG for another person to touch their gear. I'd be upset.

This figuring out Dells 2 lighting gear put me off to a late start of 10:45. I start shooting. My first client is the same man that %x pulled me away from that saw my portfolio at the fashion show a week prior. His child was a reshoot as he was unhappy with the pictures he received before. I chalked it up, knowing I wasn't gteting paid now 2 TEST SHOOTS? All day till 4:30 I was literally busting my bum making sure each child got studio shots and outdoor and out all day constant, and was becoming discouraged because I did not feel one hour time slots were enough to properly photograph each child for what they have dished out to John Robert Powers. (Keep in mind each child gets one hour, 4 outfit changes (4 looks) that is not enough time for $700 bux!)

I did very well. Mary said she was impressed that I finished it bc Dell could only 2 do photoshoots in a day. Probably because he took his time and gave each client was they rightfully deserved for the $ they charge at JRP. I do not believe Dell was really fired, nor do I think they have told him about me, or me touching his gear. I do not know this for a fact.

One of my appointments was a comp card and they wrote it on my sheet as headshots. $100 (my payment not theirs!), difference. It was a comp card. Not a headshot. So that I have invoiced at $150 not $50 bc I have proof in pictures.

Right now I still cannot get anyone to call me back to arrange a meeting with Nicole to go over what I can invoice since I was told several different things.

I believe I am owed $800.00

This is for 5 kids ages 7,9, 17,14, 5. My last appointment was a free photoshoot winner from the fashion show. I didn't agree to this freebie so i am invoicing it. The girl was young, 25, and hadn't a clue what she won. They said it was a picture package worth $600 dollars and announced it on the microphone as a raffle winner at the Fashion Show. However, this child was only to receive headshots, in a block of one hour, 2 outfit changes.

She and I spoke and she bought a ticket to the fashion show thinking it was a runway show like you would see in NYC consisting of high end runway models. She was wrong. IT was a talent show and a fashion show of kids some of whom aren't JRP members and were asked to do the show bc they "looked like real models". This person would come forward to say this. When she asked how they were lined up to walk, they had her in the back with another handsome man. When she asked if it was by age, they said No, they were the ones that looked like real models. Unft. This is mostly true.

The JRP website claims that they do not accept everyone. This is not really the case although they don't accept who cannot pay for the scam. While I was at JRP doing these photoshoots I talked alot to the parents, and kids, yes trying to get more information and sure enough did. One girl in the show was a heavy fashion terms, she was too large to be a plus sized model. If i guessed her weight I would say 220. A Teenager. I am sad and embarressed on her behalf. The proof is in the pictures on what they allowed her to walk out in. I heard many conversations about this poor child in the week and 1/2 of seeing her. It is criminal to accept someone's money like this for a self esteem class not fashion.

Indeed what you read on the internet is true. They had the makeup artist teaching modeling. An older heavyset woman teaching runway, and everyone there was sort of unprofessional.

Jasmine is 22 from my findings from the mutual contact at JRP. She is Nicole's assistant. Mary is 19. Very beautiful tall girl, she is the director. I am sorry, but this is a little young no?

I have 5 sets of pictures and the parents phone numbers and it has taken me alot to get to this point of frustration. I spoke to my friend in Orlando who pulled up over 20 links to John Robert Powers Scams. What made me finally write was Kendalls story being exactly on point. She wrote on this website if you look up other JRP scams on here.

I haven't been paid for my work. When I call the info line, they have taken my name off but still demanding parents to put their money in by today (the 25th), for a CD (MINE) and dvd of the show. They are collecting money on my behalf? I didnt consent to this. The parents that bought cds from the show have been mailed out. I took the online photo gallery down after reading numerous scams this week. I included it on the cd that was mailed. I have saved all my shipping documents, paperwork from the show, and my photo shoot schedule. I am not calling anymore down there.

What I dont understand is why they wouldn't want to pay me for the work I've done and obtain the cds bc the parents have already paid a downpayment. I have consider calling each parent and letting them know the photos are finished and look EXCELLENT BTW, but due to no response from the company I am holding on to them until I get paid.

I left Nicole another voicemail yesterday stating I need to arrange a time to come in collect my money and go over the invoice since so many people told me different things. Nothing yet. And I have these kids cds! Whats up?

At this point i do not want any affiliation with the company and it isnt a money based decision. What they are doing to these parents/kids is criminal. I've gotten to peek in the classes now and speak to some workers there. One girl that is a client of JRP teaches the hip hop class. What! I hope they pay her! Keep in mind the director is 19 years old. The assistant is 22. The girls didnt seem very busy while i was there. I was angry seeing them on the internet and talking about their boyfriends all day bc the week prior, they couldnt take a minute out of their busy days to call me? This is why?

Currently John Robert Powers owes me $800 for my photography work. After reading 4 more pages of scams about photographers AND workers of JRP rushing to the bank before their paychecks bounce, I will not accept a check. I never did before. I am a freelance girl, cash money order and paypal only. The unft. Part is I never did get to sit with the lady that runs things Nicole. I wish I never was asked to be a part of this money hungry school. I am still giving the girl _X every opportunity to get away from this place. Class action suits, small claims court, u name it, people are filing it. California to even our local branch in jacksonville.

Another friend of mine fell trap for the radio scam "disney auditions" now i've got to witness for myself being there as a photographer. It is all true what you read. Do not pay them. The money is NON REFUNDABLE. If you choose to not pay for certain things they do indeed get very snotty. One worker admits she isn't trained to teach the class she's teaching.

All i want right now is to inform the public of the scams. If someone ever in the future reads this, that would be willing to take on a case against JRP or if there are similar experiences from what you've read, I encourage you to file a report. You probably never will get your refund. DO NOT sign any contracts. DO NOT BUY INTO them telling you there are agents at their fashion shows. Its BS! They will accept anyone with the cash. The lowest package they offer is $1200.00 Their photography rate is ridiculous. The photographer uses their own gear, so this is not any expense to them. The people that print their comp cards is local and only charges 100 bux to the average person, so you know the school gets a discount. And Im making it clear they haven't paid me yet for my work or called me back. I have the pictures.

I have the pictures also to proove they would accept anyone. With braces (photographed) Large (photographed) beautiful women that are not affiliated with JRP at all used to boost their show (photographed and will most likely testify).

They say a picture is worth a thousand words!

And I have them.

In John Robert Powers case, a picture is worth $700 bux!

On TOP of the contracts. And are non refundable if they do not turn out.!

I hope this story helps parents and children make a conscious decision on these modeling schools. Save your money!

IF AN AGENT WANTS YOU OR YOUR CHILD they will not make you pay money! The most they will ask for is for you to seek out a photographer to update your portfolio's.

The reason i leave %X as nameless is because she is a professional working in the fashion industry and has done all she could answering my questions online, and maybe isn't aware of the scams about JRP.

I have now contacted 2 of the three models unaffiliated with JRP that were used for their looks to boost the 'fashion show'. They both will testify.

JRP does NOT have the copyrights OR images to the cds they are selling on my behalf.

I have 500 photographs and know how this place operates. My mom would testify to what she witnessed that day as well.

I've been hustled! But hey, its a learning experience for sure.

At least if anything I am saving someone some money from these modeling school scams in this case JOHN ROBERT POWERS OF JACKSONVILLE.

Thank you for reading this. I wish I could include my name and portfolio so you all reading could also judge wether or not I would even need to be put thru "two test shoots".

Ha! Who makes someone come in for a test shoot (this means you would examine my work and determine if I was right and good enough for a company), yet SCHEDULES APPOINTMENTS all day for me! BUAHAHAH. Sad part is I too bought into the JRP scam. I read their website, saw the famous names, and was so excited to think I would be their photographer. No thanks!

Offender: John Robert Powers

Country: USA   State: Florida   City: Jacksonville
Address: 8130 Baymeadows Way W
Phone: 9043678414

Category: Education & Science


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