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Found 162 reviews / complaints
Page 16

Nue Science
Consumer Report

Like so many others, I signed up for a "free trial"... Beware the small print. After calling, I was told that unless you return the "free trial" after 16 days, you are automatically enrolling for a monthly subscription to their product. BTW, the "product" appears to be ...

Nue Science
Consumer Report

I purchased a 2.95 sampleof cell revitlizer. Today at the store i find i have been charged a additional 108.11. This morning i called to get the matter resolved they laughed and ridulculed me about my loss until i started reciteing letters and statements from others on your site with same problem. ...
Consumer Report

This is the same as other complaints of this false advertising from this company. There is no where that states you will be charged each month for another 98.16 a month and I would never sign up for that. I was tricked into the free sample and paid 5 dollars shipping. I have been charged 2 time on ...

Nue Science
Consumer Report

I ordered a free sample from Nue Science on February 12. Their website said only that I would pay. 99 for shipping and handling. There was no indication of any further obligation on my part. On March 14 I discovered that I had been charged $98.16 by Nue Science on February 28, so I called them and ...

Nue Science
Consumer Report

I reported a false credit card charge against the company Nue Science. I have since called them, and they have agreed to remove the charges from my credit card as soon as they receive the package that I have to send back. I went through a hard time to get this issue resolved, but, hopefully, once I ...