» 5032130469 » 5032130469 | Page 47

Phone: 5032130469
Found 452 reviews / complaints
Page 47
Consumer Report

Received a call on my cell phone from Seattle- Automated Recording said if I stay on the line and answer 10 questions I'll win a cruise to Nassau... I knew that was too good to be true but figured I'd listen to the questions and "just see" (knowing ahead of time that I'm not going to give ...
Consumer Report

Received a call on my cell phone from Tacoma Washington Automated Recording said if I stay on the line and answer 10 questions I'll win a cruise to Nassau... I knew that was too good to be true but figured I'd listen to the questions and "just see" (knowing ahead of time that I'm not ...
Consumer Report

I have received a weird number call my cell phone so i answered it and it was a male. He told me that i have won a free cruise to the bahamas if i answered 10 questions. So i did and he asked my gender, got my full name, cell phone number, zip code, and he asked if i had a bank card i told him yes? ...