» Tony Seruga, Digital Mavericks, Inc., Maverick REI, Inc., Anthony Joseph Seruga - Reviews, Complaints, Contacts

Tony Seruga, Digital Mavericks, Inc., Maverick REI, Inc., Anthony Joseph Seruga
Found 1 review / complaint

Tony Seruga, Digital Mavericks, Inc., Maverick REI, Inc., Anthony Joseph Seruga
Tony Seruga, Digital Mavericks, Maverick REI, Anthony Joseph Seruga Tony Seruga Scam, He stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from hundreds of his clients

What follows is the text of a comlaint that was filed by 35 of Tony Seruga's clients who all felt that he had ripped them off for $10,000 each. He did had 2 programs in which he failed to deliver on as promised. The most blatent deception occurred with his "All I want is Traffic" program, ...