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SlimTone Plus
Found 405 reviews / complaints
Page 38

SlimTone Plus
Consumer Report

This company mislead me in taking part in trial for £2.49 and yet they did not disclose how much they will take from my account afterwards. I was quiet surprised to see £225.00 was taken from my account without my consent. I have sent them an email and upto now no response. This is a scam they ...

SlimTone Plus
Consumer Report

Wish i had read this site before i was taken in by this companies website. A complete scam to get your bank details, which seems to give them the right to continue taking money. The advert is missleading and does not explain clearly. I contacted my bank straight away to cancel further transactions. ...

SlimTone Plus
Consumer Report

I applied for a so called free trial of their products, only to be told when I received them that after a fortnight I would be charged £112-50 for said items, unless I cancelled the order within this period. Tried to phone them but just got a menu about re-ordering said items. I feel that this is a ...

SlimTone Plus
Consumer Report

I entered a trial with Slimtone plus and Body cleanse and was supposed to only pay £2.49 2x. There were conditions attached to this offer: If not wanted the product had to be cancelled within 2 weeks of ordering and the remainder had to be returned within 3 weeks of ordering. I fulfilled both those ...

SlimTone Plus
Consumer Report

I ordered a free trail and was not aware that this had to be cancelled - I have today been charged £75 £34. When I called I was spoken to rudely and told that it was part of the T&C's... This should be made clearer on the "FREE TRAIL" request. I will be sending back the second lot of ...

SlimTone Plus
Consumer Report

Hi. The company slimtone plus offered me a free trial (must only pay 4.95 for the post). Today when i look at my bank account the slimtone take me 75 pounds of my bank account without my permission. And that's not all because when I looked today on the internet they probably take me 37.50 pounds ...