» Premier Premium Communications » Premier Premium Communications | Page 18

Premier Premium Communications
Found 308 reviews / complaints
Page 18

Premier Premium Communications

I got the same $30 bill for 6 minutes for some call to the UK. I did not download anything. The surprising thing is that my computer was off the time the call was made and everyone was asleep! I don't know how they got hold of my personal info and sent me a bill. I read that there is a trojan but I ...

Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff Billed for a call to UK for $30 for a pay per view site and $1.99 per minute charge to long distance bill. Have never visited this site

I received a bill in the mail for $30, for a long distance call to 44 207 335 84 in the United Kingdom. The bill stated that the charges were for an entertainment fee to acess a pay per view website. It also stated that there would be a $1.99 per minute fee charged to my long distance carrier on my ...

Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff billed $30.00 for 6 min. Phone call made from a phone number we no longer have and haven't had for 2 years They won't let you dispute per phone call but only thru email

We were sent a bill from Premier Premium Comm. For a phone call made from an old phone number we had two years ago. We moved and did not take that phone number with us. How did they get our current address with an old phone number? They state in the billing to email them with any disputes and that ...