» P.O. Box 5087 » P.O. Box 5087 | Page 21

Address: P.O. Box 5087
Found 272 reviews / complaints
Page 21


Received letter today stating i owe $4,343.41 but would settle for $1,743.37 if done by 1/30/04. Says its for a debt i cant ever remember having with National City Bank. As far as i can remember never done buisness with them. Went to the web and found this site. ...

Camco Capital Acquisitions
Camco likes to threaten your credit report and will say if you do not pay they will ruin your credit. Camco collects on fear, indimidation, and moral abuse

My name is scott and for the last 1 1/2 years give or take I have been helping consumers on a volunteer basis fight this scam collection agency called Camco. Camco collects on time barred debts. These debts are always past the legal age to sue you on and any threats to do so are also illegal. They ...