» 1140 S. Priest Drive - Reviews, Complaints, Reports

Address: 1140 S. Priest Drive
Found 5 reviews / complaints

Collins College Formerly Al Collins Graphic Design School
A ripoff report from the internal consumers aka the employees I literally felt sick on the way to work thinking about who's life we would ruin next

I am a recent ex-employee of Collins College and accidently stumbled across the reports contained in this service and was, I'm sorry to say, not suprised. Being fairly young and inexperienced, this may not say much, but Collins College ranks among the worst places I have ever worked! I loved my ...

Al Collins Graphic Design School/Collins College
Al Collins Graphic Design School, Collins College Empty Promises, Shady Staff, Incapable Instructors ripoff deception

I guess, ultimately, all of us here that complain about Al Collins/Collins College, have no one to blame but ourselves. We approached this institution as we would any other place of learning. We expected to get an education. We expected that the, "Admissions Representatives" (read: ...