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Found 552 reviews / complaints
Page 62

Auto Finance
Charge to the max

I miss lillie rose co-signed to get a car in june for my child. Suzuki car seller named me to assist my daughter on funds her an automobile. Olive branch dealer. This car location deceive me and lied to me with this loan and my child. I'm stuck with a car in my name only and that i don't know how ...

Wells Fargo
Fraud and cheating

Traditionally I spend levels of $10.00 to $30.00 over my minimal payment per month. Last Month Wells Fargo Auto-Finance just billed me the quantity of my minimum payment per month WITHOUT THE QUANTITY I've PAID OVER MY MINIMUM... After I asked why they did this, they'd not provide me a right ...

Wells Fargo
Decrease credit card limit

Had wellsfargo charge card for over 25yrs, they simply decreased borrowing limit from 22k to 14k, never had overdue payments, have excellent credit rating, disc with great quantity in wells fargo, however they stated since I have don't possess a bank account together that's among the factors I'll ...

Wells Fargo
Fraudulent charges

I purchased a vehicle in late 2005 and used Wells Fargo as my finance company. I added the vehicle on to our existing insurance policy with Allstate and maintained that until switching agents (still with Allstate). We then changed to a family agent who placed us with TOPA/RMIS. We have never had ...

Wells Fargo
Fraudulent company

I obtained a convection notice in the sheriff's division that I'd 10 times to become out-of email home that it'd been offered to Fannie Mae. After I got to examining into this I came across had the lawyer's workplace had shipped me a my home had been foreclosed on. Used to donot get email at my ...