» 5619212600 » 5619212600 | Page 38

Phone: 5619212600
Found 332 reviews / complaints
Page 38

FlexCard Program
Consumer Report

I too applied for and was scammed by the Flex Card Program. I found this company through Credit and from all of the other companies to choose from, I thought this one had the best benefits. I had dealt with Orchard Bank before and did not like how they charged the processing fee on the ...

FlexCard Program
Consumer Report

12/02 I paid $69.00 with my debit card to these scammers who were suppose to provide me with a $1,100.00 credit card... With promise to credit back the $69.00 if I made 3 on-time payments. This new credit card was suppose to arrive within 10-14 business days... Which it never did... I called both ...

FlexCard Program
Consumer Report

Same story everyone has written about. I applied on 11/24 and was approved for $2,000 card never came, phone numbrs (561-859-0262 & 561-921-2600 & 1-888-102-2666) don't work. Have they gone on the run with everyone's money. This is so wrong. Like many others I too wa planing on using the ...

FlexCard Program
Consumer Report

I received an e-mail from this company to apply for this card. I tried it and seperate window came up that I was approved for 1000. I needed that for the Holidays and they knew it. Perfect time for them to do something like this. What dirty scum. I actually called them and talked to a man there ...

FlexCard Program
Consumer Report

Flexcard Program was offering a Visa Credit Card to fix damage credit thru this program, with $1500 cash that could be even transferred, with $10, unsecure credit that can be used as revolving charge if you continue depositing $800 monthly. The security deposit was of $69.00, but if you ...

FlexCard Program
Consumer Report

I applied for flex card with a 1000 dollar supposed to be credit limit to rebuild credit never received my cards in 7-14 business days, call the phone system is being upgraded between 12 to 16th now they are closed, I recieved emails about refunds and that I should receive my card soon. Now ...