» 4076954827 » 4076954827 | Page 46

Phone: 4076954827
Found 452 reviews / complaints
Page 46
Consumer Report

I got a call around noon. A whistle blew and guy said this is ur captn... Etc. Asked if i would take a survey so i did... At the end a man came on spoke so fast and im unsure of what he said and then their was another recorded whistle and by then i was so caught off guard tha im unsure what may ...
Consumer Report

Must read: i need help to figure this out... I quickly realized this was a scam and hung up. My big question is how are they getting our. Phone numbers? We need to figure out what links us all together. This morning I saw a stranger replied to me on twitter and I went to check out who the person ...
Consumer Report

At 6.20 pm I received a call on my cell phone with an offer of a free cruise if I answered questions. The questions included "didi I have a home security system" and "do you have privaate health insurance." I was then directed to this sight. I now know this is a scam and will ...
Consumer Report

Called on my cell phone while I am at work the phone number that called me is 509-209-7691. Heard a ship whistle when I answered the phone, then the "Captain"stated if I answer 10 questions I will receive 2 boarding passes for a cruise to Nassau Bahamams which includes a state room, and ...