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Publishers Clearing House
Found 336 reviews / complaints
Page 30

Publishers Clearing House
Consumer Report

I was contacted buy a lawyer in europe on the internet that a man and his familey was killed in africa and his last name was sam as mine and sencse all his hamily was in the car with him thear was no one to leave his fortun to i had the same last name as him so i was his benefeshery to the mony he ...

Publishers Clearing House
Consumer Report

I was contacted buy a lawyer in europe on the internet that a man and his familey was killed in africa and his last name was sam as mine and sencse all his hamily was in the car with him thear was no one to leave his fortun to i had the same last name as him so i was his benefeshery to the mony he ...

Publishers Clearing House
Consumer Report

They call me saying that I won a sweepstake of 8,500.00 and a car they ask me to buy two pre paid cards, one for $350 and one for $500 they told me that they needed the number of the cards so that way i would recive my check and my car. They took the money out of the cards and proceded to tell me ...