» St. George » St. George | Page 28

City: St. George
Found 1176 reviews / complaints
Page 28

Garcinia Cambogia Jupite
Consumer Report

This product was supposedly introduced to me thru an email from a relative; after ordering it, I learned that this relative did not send the email??? Somehow the company has figured out how to do this. When I called their "Customer Service", they kept trying to offer discounts, but I kept ...
Consumer Report

I was curious like everyone and thought I would try this product. I went through a process under the assumption that I was recieving one bottle for shipping and handling. After decling several offers for additional products. All set up in a way that if you werent careful you would accept several ...

Consumer Report

I ordered online the sample for $3.95 which i received. Then 2 weeks later a jar showed up and a charge on ny c/c for $89.97, then another jar showed up 2 weeks after that and another $89.97 on c/c i did not agree to this and want my c/c refunded $179.94. Both jars was returned to veluminous. As of ...

Consumer Report

This came from pop up on computer, free gift 4.99 for shipping. Billed twice for cream I never received. At 89.97 a pop. No answer when I call. Thank you. Will contact my bank to stop. I will eat the 179.94 charge for being so stupid. How can they get away with this??? ...