» Nicosia » Nicosia | Page 27

City: Nicosia
Found 927 reviews / complaints
Page 27

Consumer Report

Hi, The above email for the above site freelifetimehookups keep sending me spam email to my husband (Personal Information Removed) & (Personal Information Removed) The above emails belong to me & my family so When I receive disturbing spm emails like nudity & sex one night stands with ...
Consumer Report

I applied for a free trial (only pay £1.99 for postage) and they have taken the above amount from my bank account. The UK telephone number on their site is unobtainable and I am angry and broke. Please help me get my money back. My email is; (Personal Information Removed). I hope to hear from you ...
Consumer Report

Same as everyone else took £97.95 0n 5th March then the cheeky gits took another £90 out 9th April this year this was even before I even received it? You had the bloody cheek to take another £6 out my account for P&P Im on benefits and cant afford for them to keep taking this money its half of ...