Consumer Report


Comcast employee approched me at walmart while christmas shopping. Gave me a 45 min. Speal as to why i should switch over to comcast. Two things that cought me was price saving of around $20.00, better internet speed, dvr and a $150.00 gift card for walmart for signing up.
Well the salesman was just that just a talker. Finally get installed on the jan. 7th. The next day on the phone for 1 1/2 hours could not access e-mail, was asking for pin#, upstairs tv cable box not working. Was told they could not do anything right then they would have someone call me in 24 hours. 48 hours later i emailed them stating my problems what i have been put thru and by their gaurantee to respond back within 24 hours. Not... 3 days later i switch back to my original cable company. Their crap on line saying 100% satifaction gaurantee by thier vice president is a line of (Inappropriate Content Removed). When i called to cancel today the service lady apologized over and over again, but that doesn't replace my time and agravasion for all the hassle. I will research alot more if i decide to switch over to a company that gives you nothing but hot air and below par service..

Company: Comcast
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
ZIP: 19103-2838
Address: One Comcast Center
Phone: 2156651700
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