Terrible Customer Service

TV & Radio

In short canceled service with DirecTv and continuted to get billed. Called and made sure our service was indeed canceled (which always takes AT LEAST 30 minutes to get connected with a REAL person) and they said yes they would refund our money and send a confirmation # via e-mail. Well, they never acually sent us the e-mail with the confirmation #, and we continued to get billed. We went back and forth like this for 3 months with them assuring us that our account was canceled and we would not have to worry. They are liars and there must be something in it for their salespeople to not let someone cancel an account! We went ahead and paid them for 2 months of service we didn't use just so our credit score wouldn't go down from waiting for the liars to actually cancel our account!!! Would NOT reccomend doing business with them!!! We now have comcast and although they are not perfect their customer service has been GREAT!!!

Company: DirecTV
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
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Trying to disconnect

Billed for service not rendered

Fraudulently turned my service back on without my knowledge after I terminated service

Denied services based on address? Why even run my credit?

Unauthorized billing!

Horrible. Do not sign up with them

DIRECTV charged me $260 to cancel my service! Got the CEO's email address too

Directv creates a new contract when you try to cancel service
Ripoff Billed twice after I signed up and never even used any of there service at all $15.99 $15.99! Won't Refund My money Crooks!

Directv has gone downhill. - DirecTV service