Home Depot
Enough of seko worldwide

Real Estate

I have spent close to $8000 with home depot in the last 2 months. I wont be in your stores again unless and emergency arises. I suggest:

Get rid of seko.
Rethink your inventory process on requiring customers to get a rebate of 60.00 when they could have carried the product out. Most of us dont forget to request it.
Stock your shelves with american products instead of the incessant supply of offshore junk. Most of us would rather support an American.

Company: Home Depot
Country: USA
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Home Depot
Enough of seko worldwide

Home Depot
Home Depot doesn't support overseas Unites States service members

Home Depot
Rebate system is a scam Ripoff

Home Depot
Rebate rip off

Home Depot
Wedding registry problems

Home Depot
Spits in the face of customers

Home Depot
Home Depot online - Internet 203765351 Model T05F2uOQ0084

Home Depot
Goodby Home Depot

Home Depot
Don't buy from them

Home Depot
Unauthorized billing