Worst Customer Service

Internet & Web

First, I called to ask about pricing after our contract was up with the triple play package and I was told one thing. Then I called back and asked again. I was told that there were discounts for the internet service for 6 months and no discounts for the phone. I agreed to getting the internet at discounted price for 6 months and phone for regular price. This change was scheduled to take effect 2 days after the contract date was up and I was told to call and make sure everything went through on that date.

When I called back I was told that none of these things had went through. Our triple play package was not canceled like it was supposed to be. I told this tech the prices the last tech had told me. She said there are no discounts at this time. I asked if they can just look at the notes from the last call and she said none of it was there. So I asked her then if he just basically lied to me for over 20 minutes explaining all of the pricing and details. She didn't know. I just said, "Whatever, I'll just get the internet now (regular price). Cancel phone and cable."

I called back to ask when were the phone and cable going to be shut off because they still were not canceled. This tech told me by midnight on that day. I also was verifying the new pricing for the internet I would be paying. She now told me she would give me $10 off for 12 months. I called again the next day because the service did not shut off at midnight like I was told. This new tech I spoke with said I was not even authorized on the account! I said, "I was added a couple of months ago. How is it that I made all these changes and called the last 5 times?" She said she didn't know and couldn't tell me anything.By this time I was furious. I have been lied to several times and they apparently do not keep records of what they tell you. Now I'm not on the account.

My boyfriend called later and asked who is on the account. They said just him. He asked, "Then how come you let her make all these changes without her being authorized? It doesn't make sense." After a long time, he made them read through the notes and sure enough there was my name. Next, we doubled checked our pricing again. Now she gave us another new price for our internet (no $10 discount for 12 mon). That phone call was not even on record! After discussing everything again, she said she would give us $10 off for 6 months only. We'll be lucky if that's even true. This has been the worst customer service experience ever!!! I'm going to start recording the calls.

Company: Comcast
Country: USA
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Comcast Promo Pricing - Triple Play

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End of Triple Play

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5 Star rating