Internet services, broadband, phone, bundled package, upgrade

Internet & Web

I have been incredibly frustrated with Verizon services here in Texas and their continued lack of action over my overbilling for my home broadband, cable and phone services. For the past 2 years, Verizon had done inconsistent billing on my home broadband, cable and phone services resulting in an accumulation of over $1000 in over billing.inspite of numerous calls, they indicated that they had inadvertently created two accounts for me and that they would merge them to get everything corrected. The result: disappearance of 30 payments of the double charges that were actually paid via autopayments. Luckily I have all my credit card billing to prove otherwise. To my surprise the final outcome is that I owe them $400 and the new bill was even more incorrect. I would encourage all of the Texans having these issues to please file a complaint with the Attorney General online:

Https://www.oag. State. Tx.Us/forms/cpd/form.php

I am preparing all documents to take to an attorney and file suit in addition to the time I have spent affecting work and stress.

New Jersey has filed a lawsuit against FIOS fraudelent practices as it relates to billing and advertising. They had received 266 complaints. I have filed one at our TX Attorney General and encourage all of you to do the same so we can build enough complaints against FIOS. Please let's band on this like they did in New Jersey and get our AG to pursue this with Verizon as they are getting away with these issues. Together we can fight the big company's lack of good service, questionable billing practices and refusal to address each issues with the customers

Http://www.nj. Gov/oag/newsreleases09/pr20090318a.html

Company: Verizon
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Plano
Phone: 9729645538
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Accepted Fios then double billing.increased rate without explanation. Never got bundled rate. Poor customer service by phone. Richmond Virginia


Agreed to pay $ 795,000.00

Bad customer service

Scam charges

Verizon FIOS
Awful company

Verizon Fios
CSR Angela ABSOLUTE Diceptive! Lies! And very miss leading information carrollton

Verizon Wireless
Verizon billing problems - Verizon broadband DSL for business

Verizon Wireless
Consumer Report

Unauthorized credit card charges of a card not assigned to the account & Unexplained charges Annapolis