Steve & Jessica Canter
Sold a babe ruth card on ebay-they never had the card and owe my son and i 605.95 since July Internet

Internet & Web

To put it short, my son found a babe ruth card for sale on ebay, he wanted it for his birthday, he put in half of his own money and my husband put in the other half, tatal cost was $805.95. When we never recieved the card we got his name and number from ebay, i called him and found out he never had the card to sell and he said he would send the money back, my husband and i call him all the time, and have heard all kinds of stories and he kept saying he would send it, this was july we filed reports with ebay and paypal, paypal sent us $200.00 and said we would have to get the rest fromthe seller. We still have not got any money from him, and i called him a few days ago and he said paypal sent us the money back, i told him to call paypal, because they only refunded $200.00. I have not heard back from him and I cannot let it go, my son is 15 years old and worked very hard for his money and saved up a very long time to buy his dream, a babe ruth card, and it is 9 months later and he has nothing. Please someon help me, i do not have an addresss for him, i do have a phone number and his work number. Please i am begging someone for your help, we are going this week to file a police report, what else can we do, please help us!!!

Company: Steve & Jessica Canter
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 80054286773108
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Jenny Lee
Scam on ebay for Gift card

Ebay forces customers into using PayPal - stay away from ebay

They held my money for 3 weeks after sale

Paypal - Felixofpeace - Ebay
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