Family Care
Rip-off with out a conscience houston /& online

Health & Medicine

I did my homework, even spoke with supervisors BEFORE signing up. They assured me (& even gave me their direct ph. #'s & extensions) that this compny not only worked with the clinics & Dr. S I asked about, but ALSO proveded discounts for my veterinarians. I should've known if it sounds too good to be true, it IS! After the 1st mos of trying to get my physicians hooked into their network (remember, they told me THEY WERE connected!!?) I called to cancel. I couldn't get through till JUST BEFOREE the 30 days was up, but they ASSURED me they would make it right... 5 mos. Later they informed that that all the over-the-phone cancelling I did was not valid, but that they would find me another provider in my "area"... And they "were sorry" that i wasn't going to give them another chance... They had, to be fair, hooked me up with a Dr. 1 1/2 hrs. From my house... A bit far to travel if I'm sick though... ONLY AFTER AN ARGUEMENT did they tell me I had to fax a request to quit the network... It's almost 6 months of promising to "make things right" & 6 months of charging my account. The amount I had to pay each month was the cost of a Dr's visit (IF I had gone once a MONTH!), but it would have been worth it with all the meds & follow-up care i needed. I am sick & tired, really, and i needed help to pay for it all... I asked for at least a PARTIAL refund... She all but LAUGHED at me. Wasn't my 30 days up MONTHS ago? But c'mohn... I would've quit back THEN but they kept telling me things would be fine... That they would make it right.
They are LIARS & THIEVES & I hope they get whats comming to them!!

Company: Family Care
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 11111Richmond Ave Suite 237
Phone: 8003234057
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Merchant Affiliate Network
Took $4,384.00 from an 83 year old woman

Customer Service

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Anthony Rep ID#HAJ ("Lead Supervisor" Of Billing Dept. At Dishnetwork), Sherry ("Supervisor" Of Billing Dept. At Dish Network) Took $80 from me for my phone line not working AFTER telling me they would quit charging me 16 months ago