AT&T Uverse
Unfair billing practices - at&t uverse

TV & Radio

I have been trying unsuccessfully for the past 4 months to make payment arrangements for my account that I am able to afford. AT&T insists that any payment arrangement consist of payment of the full monthly balance plus an additional amount to have the back balance paid over four payments. When I tried to explain that I am unemployed and requested that the arrangements temporarily spread out until I begin receiving my disability they repeated and usually rudely refused. Each month I called AT&T I was given an amount to "restore" my services at which point they claimed they would make arrangements with me. This amount kept increasing each month until it eventually became too high for me to pay and I overdrafted my checking account. Exactly 29 days after each payment AT&T would "suspend" my services again. I paid them amounts of $400, $150, $200, $250, and $300. And not once was AT&T willing to make a payment arrangement that I based on my ability and willingness in good faith to pay. When I finally could no longer pay the monthly increases my services were terminated and AT&T began demanding that I disconnect equipment installed by their technicians and expend my time and gas by taking it to a shipping company of their choice, despite the fact that not once have they tried to work with me. They are still billing me monthly and are now demanding that I either pay $1,200 or my account will be sent to collections. I have tried on numerous ocassions to meet AT&T's increasing demands only to have them make no effort at all to accommodate me in any way shape or form and now I am being by them as well.

Company: AT&T Uverse
Country: USA
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