Philips & Burns LLC
Made payment arrangements but I cannot get anything in writing

Business & Finance

I had an account with Walmart, I fell behind and was apparently sent to this agency for collection. They tried to get me to settle for a specific dollar amount which I told them I didn't have. I had to set up payment arrangements, but they refused to bill me monthly and they won't send me any verification that my balance is actually going down. They are directly debitting money from my account and this has been set up to happen until sometime in 2011. I have no idea if what I'm paying will end up being more than I owe, or if the amount they said I owed is even correct.

Ironically, the guy I originally spoke to and who set up the payment arrangement, "tricked" their system somehow and was able to establish this repayment plan against the rules. The second guy I spoke to seemed stunned by this and made the remark that perhaps that was the reason why the first person was no longer there. According to this new guy, what the first person did worked out in my favor. Favor or not, I'm sure there's something wrong about this arrangement, and I am deeply troubled by them going into my account every month.

On a side note, when I tried to make arrangements with Walmart directly about this account, they laughed at me and hung up the phone when I told them what I could afford to pay every month. (They were actually nastier to me than anyone at Philips and Burns has been, so far.) But, I suppose I shouldn't have expected much from a company that would sue its own former employee to repay medical insurance monies she received after an injury that left her permanently disabled. Her husband had to divorce her just to make her eligible for help from the government, yet the jerks at Walmart are suing her for their money back.

Company: Philips & Burns LLC
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Buffalo
Address: 461 Ellicott St/3rd Floor
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