Customer service/billing

TV & Radio

I have been a customer since 2008. For the past 2 years I have been calling the billing department to no avail. I am homebound and live on social security disability. My billing due date is the 28th of the month. I have told the representatives that my check comes on the 3ed of the month. On the 3ed I confirm that money has been deposited into my checking account and then write my check to DIRECTV. About half of the time I am charged a late fee. I have requested that my due date to be changed to the 10th or any time after the 3ed. I have been told repeatedly that it is impossible to change the due date. Really!? The government can track our e-mails; I can talk to & see my friends in Qatar using skype; NASAS can test particles on Mars — and DIRECTV cannot simply change a due date! It is nearly impossible to talk to a supervisor. When I actually spoke to a supervisor, she told me if I paid the full amout due so to have a $0 balance on the 28th, then we could change my due date. I borrowed money so I could have a $0 balance, but that turned out to be a farce. This month I received a nasty letter from DirecTV. It said: "If your account is not paid in full immediately, you are responsible for returning any DIRECTV-owned equipment or additional fees may apply, including an equipment non-return-fee of up to $135 (plus tax) for each DIRECTV-owned receiver (with access card and remote) that is not returned." Again I called and got the runaround and I could not speak to a supervisor. To make things worse, all these late payments have ruined my credit. I need to get dental surgery, but I cannot finance the charges because I pay my bills late. The only bill that I ever pay late is DIRECTV. DIRECTV MUST do something! Is this the way you treat a loyal customer of 5 years?! I will not discuss your inordinate prices at this time.

Company: Directv
Country: USA
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Directv Billing

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