Time Warner Cable
Promised credit but then not given - TIME WARNER CABLE

TV & Radio

While watching a movie tonight on Showtime, a message pops up saying TWC and CBS can't come to a deal and this channel is temporarily unavailable. I was very upset because I was in the middle of watching a movie and it was 12:10 AM. So I called and the girl on the phone promised me a $40 credit, which I admit was higher than I expected, but that is what I was promised. She said she would call me back in 10 minutes to tell me the credit had been entered into my account. She never called back. So I called TWC back and they told me I was told incorrect information and they would not give me a $40 credit even though they had the original phone call recorded and knew who I spoke with and what she told me. Where I come from, when a business promises their customer they will do something, even if their employee messed up, they do what they promised the customer.

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
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