TIme Warner Cable
Time Warner cable is offering 99 cent movies coupons that they don't honor... Unless pushed

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Time Warner cable has sent out 99 cent movie coupons. Once you send them in to the address located on the bottom of the coupon they seem to go into outer space. I have tried for three consecutive months to redeem them, only to be told they never received them. Then, after they promise me that they will reimburse me they don't. Then, I have to call again to find out what the problem was. I FINALLY received a credit for the February movie, but still nothing for the January or March movie. I've told them that this seems like a complete scam but they keep telling me that it takes months to credit the account for these coupons as they don't know where they go. To top it off, I keep receiving recorded follow-up calls from Time Warner wanting to know how their customer service was for the last phone call I made. If you hang up on it without answering their questions they will call back for weeks, until you finally answer the questions. I've been told by multiple CSRs that I cannot opt out of the calls, which I think should be illegal (is it?). I am so sorry that my only option is with Time Warner Cable. As we are in a new home in a new development we have no other options and we feel like prisioners.

Company: TIme Warner Cable
Country: USA
Phone: 18888922253
Site: timewarner.com
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