Dish Networks
Remove your Dishes

TV & Radio

I don't have your service. There are two satellite dishes at my home. One is on the roof and the other is on a metal pedistal. Please remove them.

Company: Dish Networks
Country: USA
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Dish Network
DISH Refuses to Remove theie Satellite Dishes

Dish Networks
Remove Dishes

Thin Line CollectionsI-Satellite/Thin Line Collections/Dish NetworkI-Satellite These people are ripping people off with Dish Networks approval

Won't remove their satellite dish

Dish Network
Charge for Receiver Return and Refusal to Remove Equipment from My Roof

Direct TV, Satellite
Direct TV Satellite Poor Customer Service, Dishonest Representatives WATCH OUT

Installation damages - satellite dish

Dish Network
Does NOT have better services than cable companies that they claimed Ripoff Online

Dish Network
Dish Network Failed to Obey State Law - Dish satellite

Digital Satellite Connections - EchoStar Satellite
Digital Satellite Connections - EchoStar Satellite Ripoff holding my money, no email response, can't get through by telephone