Stole Money - DirecTv Company itself

TV & Radio

My ex did not pay his bill and DirecTV charged my bank account (His name is not on bank account and my name was never on DirecTV bill). Leaving me and my 4 year old with no money. They tried 4 times before I was paid. My bank alerted me to possible fraud activity. This company tried the charge again on my pay day. I barely make enough to pay regualr bills. When I called the lady told me because my debit card was used in the past they had the right to take all of my money. Again the account holder is not on the bank account! Even willing to pay a portion of the bill I asked to have the charge reversed and made for lesser amount so I could feed my child. The rep told me this was not possible. I would like to call BS! With computers you can reverse charges and do for lesser amount. Thanks for caring!!! Oh when I had experience with your service it was awful!!! Rain, wind snow we always lost service.

Company: Directv
Country: USA
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Unauthorized debit

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Directv - Diectv

Stole money from my account

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Directv - Directv
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