Impolite overblown wind bag

TV & Radio

Dear Sirs,

Piers Morgan is a tiresome windbag who constantly interrupts his guests and rams home whatever his agenda is as opposed to listening politely and then responding. His evangelical stance re gun violence and guns in America is sensationalistic and flawed and constant yammering on the subject has cost your organization credibility and my viewership.

Please tell Mr. Morgan to be more polite and to stop being a blowhard. Those viewers still watching can hear him fine. Shouting does not convey his message in a way that I associate with professional 'talking heads'.

You're doing yourselves and America a disservice by continuing to use him in any capacity other than dog walker. My next letters are to all sponsors whose products are featured between his diatribes.


Doug MacIlroy

Company: Cnn
Country: USA
  <     >  


Yours, untruly, Mr. Piers Morgan

Integrity Compromised by Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan fair debate

Piers Morgan

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Consumer Report

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Consumer Report

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