Never enough

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After doing a year contract and paying my bill on time, basically doing every thing by the book, I decided to go back to cable because of poor performance on their part so I schedule to have my service cut off on the day my contract expires and that is when all the hidden charges came in. I was told the final payment on my contract and was assured that was it and only to find out later I owed 24.30 more because of "pro rate", but nobody seemed to know about this when I ask them before, so I hung up and promptly got on line and set up a payment through my bank that same day.

I received the return box for my unit to return to them and packed it as soon as it hit the door. I called Fed Ex and scheduled a pickup the same day I packed the unit up and they came to pick it up. Well thinking thank God I am done with these people and feeling great about having my cable back I get an e-mail from these idiots saying I still owe 10.00. That's it, I call and ask what the crap is this for because I was again reassured there was no more charges and she came back to tell me I had been charged for a protection plan cancellation fee!!! Give me a freakin break, I don't know what the crap that was for and I flat told her what they could do with that $10.00. I told her I would not pay it and I was done!

We will see if they take it out of my account, but knowing how freakin money hungry they are I won't be surprised. The bottom line is STAY AWAY FROM DIRECTV... They will rip you off anyway they can... And half of them don't even speak english...

Company: Directv
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Greenwood Village
Phone: 8003231994
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Unauthorized charges

BEWARE of their hidden terms and conditions

Took money from my bank account without authorization, wiil not refund

Took My Money Without My Permission

Took money from my credit card without my authorization and charged a early termination fee when I was not under a contract

Direct Tv
ELLEN FILIPIAK, CEO When the person that spoke to us about Directv he told us that it was going to be for 1 year contract. Come to know that the contract was for 2 years and i was never told that and didnt sign a contract

Uninformed Client - Tv Channels


DirecTV - Misrepresenting Deposit and Non-Fundable. - cable tv

Liars - DirecTV