Chase Mortgage
Modification - Mortgage

Real Estate

I have been going through the modification since 2009 and it has been such a hastle. I have been approved twice. I was approved for the second time in September my first payment was to begin 12. Being proactive I decided to pay my first payment in November so that I would always be month ahead. Not. Went to the window to pay it and was told I would have to call customer service and everyone all 14 customer service reps told me everything was approved and they had all the paperwork they needed. Then I started receiving paperwork from attorneys stating they would be forclosing on us Jan 4. Remind you never been late in 2 years. Completed all paperwork requested. But finally a mgr called and said I failed which I sent and faxed paperwork they needed was never received and unfortunately I would have to start over. Now remember they made the mistake and mailed a correction to me that I mailed back, but nobody out of the 14 told me I was missing anything. Everything was fine and waiting on the underwriter. Never received anything from the underwriter. But I am penalyzed. I am the only one in my house that works and I am doing everything they ask. Our President of the United States doesn't know all this is happening, he thinks the banks are helping us. But they are not. Sometimes I feel like I am about to lose my mind.

Company: Chase Mortgage
Country: USA
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