Chase Mortgage
Chase modifcation program


I am in the same position with Chase Homeowner program. I have been applying for the modification program since 2009 and we are now in 2011 and I have yet to be approved. Guess what I finally received my 2nd approval letter with my new payment amount to start December. I was so excited I went in to make my first payment November so that I would always be a month a head. Sorry we cannot except your payment the underwiters still has it. So I call in to find out whats going on, they said we are still working on it. No one said they had not received a signed form. I talk to 14 people who said they had everything. Don't send any payments in just hold it until they are finished. But in the process I start receiving Foreclose letters and calls and letters from attorneys. I have not been late with one payment for over 2 years. I finally talk to a manager who stated we will now have to start over because they could never find the 1 signed form. Well why I am I being penalyzed when not rep told me I was missing paperwork until December. I am the only one working in my house and now they want me to take time to start all over by talking to a new counselor. I am frustrated and close to a nervous breakdown behind this ordeal. I need help before I crack. The Obama program is a joke. They are trying to make a Joke out of our president.

Company: Chase Mortgage
Country: USA
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