Consumer Report


Sometime in 2010 Verizon added inside line maintenance to my monthly charges. It became one of the dozens and dozens of line entries we all get entirely to used to on phone billings. I called asked for it to be taken off as I had never ordered it. The customer service woman I talked to put me on hold came back and said she was taking me off and would give me 3 months credit but no more. I asked for a supervisor and got Tyler - Employee #5459 - again we have all been there - started out with attitude got worse and worse to point of being very offensive. Originally said he would allow the 3 months the CR rep had given me but later in conversation as he was unhappy that I would not just go away - he suddenly decided to lie and said he never agreed to give me 3 months off. Enough said on dollars - this is small dollars but big issue. I was slammed by Verizon it would appear and defense was I should have seen it earlier so therefore too bad. This is really very bad customer service given out by a really despicable and very low type individual who lied to me saying he never allowed the 3 months - again money no issue here - no consumer should be slammed with services they did not ask for or authorize as is the case her with Verizon.

Country: USA
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Worst Billing Eve

Verizon FIOS
Poor service!, has been charging me through my cell phone text messages at Verizon. I have never asked for this service. I was out of the country for 3 months and it shows I still used this service

Verizon Communications Inc
Fed up with Verizon Wireless!

Scam charges!

Verizon billed me for internet I never got then slammed my credit

Verizon Business Customer Service is woeful - Verzion for Small Buxiness

Verizon Wireless
Consumer Report

Verizon Residential Refuses to Reimburse Fraudulent Charges

Read before you order Verizon Fios!