Consumer Report


I ordered a small computer from to be able to fit inside my purse, for college and business purposes. They advertised it at a price that seemed reasonable and "with no shipping and handling fees added". I used my PayPal account with my associated credit card. I waited a reasonable amount of time (I learned Paypal only gives you 20 days to dispute any transaction and this was coming from China). This timeframe Paypal has is convenient to an overseas con-artist because they can always use (and did in my case too) that it "has to pass customs agents" and therefore, the PayPal 20 day timeframe was over before I finally received the product. When it finally came, it was an outdated, poorly defective, off-brand. The icons on the touchscreen, for example, would not work or jumped around on the mainscreen when they were tapped instead of operating at all. The ones I COULD operate, were to see if I could configure my own email, wifi... Etc. Which was preset and had 5 different email addresses already on it from China. Even the weather icon on the mainscreen was preset to China and would not operate anywhere else I tried to set it to. I contacted PayPal, who would not refund my money nor even work to get it from the seller, Zhou Zhengsheng of, refusing to understand that 'my hands were tied' as I could not do much until the product arrived as regards dispute. I did however have an open dispute against seller with PayPal for it being very late, feeling it would not arrive at all. The seller evidently emailed PayPal and told them the matter had been resolved and despite all of my attempts, PayPal's next email to me even before the correct dispute timeframe was over, was that they decided to close my case against the seller. Someone at PayPal perhaps got confused, because the purchase was made on June 4. THEY counted twenty days from THAT date, not the date I tried to open a dispute, and therefore, they went against their OWN return/dispute policies. On PayPal's policy, they state they "will refund a person $1000" on matters such as this one. I would have been happy if I got my $100.98 back that I got scammed out of.

Country: USA
City: Kharkov
ZIP: 61174
Address: 59 Pobedi Ave
Phone: 380977480524
  <     >  


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Consumer Report

Closed dispute with third party without investigation

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Paypal's practices and customer service is bad