Deceptive and unlawful business practices


I will try to keep this as short as possible as I only want to stress the fact
that the Banks and Mortgage companies really got us all in this mess and under
the TARP guidelines set forth by our Congress, They (mortgage companies and
banks) got Billions in bailout funds to help homeowners stay in their homes.

They have done nothing to help people stay in their homes. They
found a loophole and are forcing more and more people into
foreclosure and short sales adding to the surplus of homes already on the
market. Why? Because they have out of the country investors standing by to
purchase these foreclosed properties and resell them for a profit within a 24
hour period before any paperwork is visible to anyone. The banks make money on
the new loans and processing fees that they would not get by just doing a
re-modification to the existing homeowners like myself. Appraisers make money, home inspectors make money and realtors make money. The only losers in this whole scam is the honest homeowners trying to keep their homes.

the short version of what they have done to us to date.

I started to make calls to CitiMortgage to apply for a loan
Modification. It took 27 calls, 6 e-mails and 7 months to even get a
reply and I only got their attention because I held up paying on the Mortgage
for 3 months. I then got current with the payments once I had their attention.

We finally spoke to a rep of CitiMortgage and started the
process of the loan modification. We went back and forth for another 6 months
with documents and they kept saying they did not receive this or that., which
was fishy because everything they kept saying they did not get, I know I had
sent them. I had my file at home to back up my claim that I did in fact send them everything they were requesting again.

We finally spoke to a rep again and they now said they had all the
documents and were processing it and they asked us to make 3 payments of the
reduced amount $1044.77 (which was approx a $300.00 savings per month).
Needless to say I was grateful. So we started to make the new payments and paid
8 payments NOT 3 payments when one day I get a call from CitiMortgage. This is
when it gets really the mean time I had been in contact with a HOPE
Counselor (NovaDebt, Sue Hazel) to aide in the process of staying in
our home.

Early May
The call I received which was from CitiMortgage, I thought it
would be a good call to tell me we had made all our good faith payments
on time and that we had been accepted for the loan modification. The call was
to tell me, (you ready for this?) that our loan modification had TIMED
OUT because CitiMortgage did not receive all our documents back to
them on time. This was after they had confirmed to me that they had
everything they needed.

Mid May
I immediately called my HOPE Counselor to make a conference
call to CitiMortgage to get a clarification on what was going on. It took 6
calls to finally reach a human being named Tom. When my Hope Counselor asked
about our situation, he stated, yes your modification had TIMED OUT because
we (CitiMortgage) did not receive all the documents back in time. My HOPE
Counselor then informed TOM that I had PROOF that they had all the so called
missing docs because I had sent everything to them return receipt USPS and an
employee of CitiMortgage had signed for them all and they were dated also.
He (Tom) put our conference call on hold and 15 minutes LATER he came back on the line
and his first words were OH DEAR, WE DO HAVE ALL YOU DOCS FACT
He said he would look into it and re-open the case. 4 days went by and we (Sue) and I had to do another conference call. We (Sue, Hope rep) and myself were never able to reach TOM again as he was apparently transferred to another dept.

the next player for CitiMortgage, A Patti Kimmerly with the office
of Homeowner the mean time, I called FREDDIE MAC
because they held the actual loan and Citi was only the service provider. They
were flabbergasted at what I told them and about how we were being put through
a run around. Now another 5 months go by, EARLY OCTOBER and
I guess Freddie Mac must have told Citi to work something out with us as they
do have HARDSHIP PROGRAMS. At the same time Im trying to work on a solution
(for the past 2years) I start to get the beginning of foreclosure paperwork,
from CitiMortgage and a few attorneys.

Finally, on October 10th This Patti Kimmerly tells me to
write a letter stating my disability and a follow up letter when my disability
hearing is to take place. Once again, I did what was asked of me, I wrote an
initial letter, then a follow up letter in Nov.

Ihave not heard a thing and all my calls go unanswered and i never get a return

I have since contacted my Congressman, Cliff Sterns and I am sending over all my files to prove my case.

I guess my next move is to file an injunction to block the foreclosure and get
this all in front of a judge. What CitiMortgage did to us is committed fraud by
holding my documents. I posted a Blog in a forum about CitiMortgages deceptive
and unlawful business practices and my e-mail inbox lite up!

They are deceiving everyone and this needs to made public and its not just Citi,
Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo are in on it also. Once again the American
people get the short end of the stick. If you or any news station were to ask
people, Has your Mortgage company said your loan modification has timed out,
expired and/or missing documents? Please let us know. Watch the response you
get, I can assure you it will be overwhelming.

These big Corporations will continue to take advantage of us until we do something
about it. Im asking for your anyones help to get this out to the public. We could blow this whole
scam wide open!

ready, can you help me?


Company: CitiMortgage
Country: USA
Address: 1000 Technology Drive mail station 20-1-372
Phone: 18002837918
  <     >  


Citimortgage put me in default!

Citimortgage is steeling my house and thy screwed me w/a modification and put me into foreclosure

Modification nothing but precursor to foreclosure

Mortgage Modification

Loan Modification

Loan modification

False reporting on Mortgage options, intentional misrepresentation of service

Nationwide Mortgage, CitiMortgage Company)
Nationwide Mortgage, CitiMortgage Company ripoff home mortgage

CitiMortgage Inc
BEWARE&CitiMortgage Loan Modification only helps CitiMortgage and not the Consume

Fraud and deceit