Greyhound of Canada
Discrimination against the disabled


I'm a wheelchair bound guy. Due to my impairment, I've

Been cruelly discriminated against by Greyhound of Canada.

I originally approached Greyhound of Canadais phone

Reservation point on Friday, September 25 to buy

Two round-trip coach seats from Oshawa, Ontario Canada via

Toronto Ontario, Buffalo NY and Cleveland OH to Pittsburgh PA

And back. The journey day was Oct 3, a Friday. The

Seats were taken care of by my traveling friend, Ms. Heather

Wegemer, who lives in the same area when I do (view above)

And gives exactly the same telephone number. She was likewise

Your partner touring with me.

The moment the seats have been bought, we named

Again to setup the required wheelchair help, and

Organized for that Niche Transportation Division of

Durham area Transportation to choose us up at our house in a

Wheelchair accessible automobile and consider us towards the busstop.

We were informed the handicapped help division might

Return to us.

We asked to get a primary telephone number for that handicapped

Help division, and were informed that this type of quantity did

Not occur (!).

We were also informed that people would need to organize handicapped

Help individually with Lakefront Collections of Kansas, who have been

To transport us from Buffalo to Cleveland, and greyhound US who

Might bring us from Cleveland to Pittsburgh. We did to ensure that

Friday, June 26, without any difficulty whatsoever.

Every single day handed without any term from greyhound of Canada.

We visited the will-call table in the Greyhound terminal in

Oshawa to obtain our seats, the broker there advised us that

We couldn't be acquired having a wheelchair accessible coach at

The start point-of our journey since it was a road quit

Rather than terminal, and also the coach wasn't permitted to release

The wheelchair lift except inside a terminal. This arrived like a

Excellent surprise, since we'd investigated the journey cautiously on

The Greyhound of Europe site, which stop, outlined as

Bloor West, was outlined like a FULL-SERVICE END, including

Checked luggage handling

We were extremely nervous by Thursday evening, October 1, whenever we

Ultimately obtained a phone from Greyhound of Canadais handicapped

Help division to make sure us that anything was all

Accepted and all set.

The next evening, Friday, October 2, at about 8 pm when

It was too late to get hold of anybody or do something about this,

That division called back again to reveal that 'my request a

Wheelchair accessible coach continues to be refused.'

We were shocked in the utter callousness, and also the time. On

Friday October 3, whenever we were said to be touring, I

Invested about 9 hours about the telephone to numerous divisions of

Greyhound Canada looking to get the problem settled.

Over these eight hours i talked to Mrs. Robles, Ms. Flynch

Plus one additional woman in the criticism division,

(877-463-6446) Selena in the authorized department (immediate point

972-789-7420) and somebody who rejected to provide her title at

The client help department (214-849-8966).

The street stop at Bloor West, mistakenly shown like a complete

Support end, is simply five blocks in the Oshawa Greyhound

Final at 47 Relationship road, part of Simcoe. We recommended

That wheelchair lift coach choose us up there. We were informed, not

Permitted. We recommended that people could easily get there earlier or

Later so the agendas of additional guests not be

Interrupted; we were informed, prohibited. We questioned if there have been

Every other stops within the Durham Area which were wheelchair

Raise implementation secure, since we're able to get Durham area

Niche Transport to consider us everywhere within the Durham

Area anytime of your day or evening to meet up a wheelchair

Raise coach. We were informed the coach from Oshawa to Toronto

CREATED NO OTHER STOPS, possibly before Oshawa or between Oshawa

And Toronto. (!) If this were accurate, there appeared no feasible

Cause to WOn't deliver a wheelchair lift coach for all of US in the

Oshawa final five or fifteen minutes early, to ensure that we

Might be covered without any interruption towards the agendas of

Additional guests. We were advised prohibited.

Finally, we were educated that individuals would need to start our

Journey in the final in Toronto, which recommended we couldn't

Make use of the handicapped transportation providers of the Durham Area

Specialty Transport people. I'd to embarrass myself to

Plead the daddy of my traveling friend, Mr. Mike Wegemer

Who lives in Mississauga, Ontario, to become overdue for that start

Of his day on Thursday, October 8 to be able to choose us up

In Oshawa and generate us to Toronto.

I'd like to explain this displayed NO hotel at-all

For my impairment; I, the handicapped, was compelled to support

Greyhound of Canada.

I thought that certainly somebody within the organization business

Might today look after obtaining the handicapped help

Accepted and put up; no such courtesy was provided. I had been informed

That I'd need to stop the preparations that were

Created using Lakefront Lines and Greyhound US AND REMAKE THEM,

And feel the same annoying procedure with greyhound of

EUROPE once again. I did so to ensure that same Friday, October 3.

As confirmation, I would like to suggest that the handicapped help

Handle figures released for the unique journey day, Friday

March 3, were released on Monday September 29, and were

AG299564 for me personally and CD299565 for Ms. Wegemer, that has a

Various impairment and moves having a company pet. After I

Needed to stop and remake these preparations, the brand new figures,

Released on Friday October 3 for journey on Wednesday October 8,

Were AG300543 for we and CD300545 for Ms. Wegemer. This really is

Essential as evidence that I did so certainly create those calls on

Friday, October 3, in lighting what happened later.

As before, we'd to hold back to get a call-back in the handicapped

Help division. Today, the individual at your re3servations

Phone-line who got our phone to setup handicapped help the

Second-time was a headache to cope with. She insisted that

The coach we were to consider, departing Toronto for buffalo at 8 AM,

Didn't occur. Even if I offered her the path quantity, she

Insisted that there is no such coach. Only if I informed her of

The trip beginning in Oshawa did she acknowledge the next calf

Of the journey, Toronto to Buffalo on the diverse coach, really

Endured. Then she attempted to demand that people weren't permitted to

Join that journey in Toronto, that to be able to experience that coach

From Toronto to Buffalo we'd to begin our journey in Oshawa,

Which we'd simply been informed we couldn't do. This is also

Manifestly absurd, since the coach to Buffalo at 8 am

Originated from Toronto, and thus did all of the guests on

It, once we later discovered.

That individual, a lady whose title started having a M but who

Declined to restate it after I questioned her to later within the

Discussion, in the beginning declined to obtain a boss for me personally to

Keep in touch with, but ultimately got a Michelle, who created Ms. WATTS observe

That people might certainly begin our journey about the 8am coach from

Toronto to Buffalo, then continue to Pittsburgh via Cleveland.

Again, we waited as times approved without any term in the handicapped

Help division of Greyhound Canada. Lastly,

Scared, we named the concerns point on Friday, March

6, to plead anyone to please ask regarding the standing of our

Demand. They stated they might just place it in again, having a

Observe that it was an question in regards to a demand created times

Before. We were informed in those days that people might obtain a phone

In 30 to 40 minutes. No-call back emerged that evening. The

Next evening, Thursday, October 7, at 8:15 PM, significantly less than 12

Hours before our journey was to begin (for that second-time in a

Strip!) we got a phone to express our request a wheelchair

Raise coach was refused, about the supposed reasons that people hadn't

Provided adequate notice.

Your guidelines suggest that 48-hours is enough notice. We'd

Set the demand in on October 3, for journey on October 8.

Throughout The discussion, the individual, a lady who declined to

Provide her title on the 3 times she named us, mentioned

They had no report of our demand until Friday morning

March 6, which, by your organization guidelines, was actually lengthy

Enough discover for that demand to get been given! Just

As she recognized what she'd accepted, she hung-up on me.

Today, at 8:15 PM it had been too late for me personally to contact your client

Help line, or your criticism line, or your authorized


Your trip had made preparations to become overdue for function and also have a

Automobile in a position to consider my wheelchair for that Thursday; he

Couldn't remake these preparations on significantly less than a months

Notice. We'd eaten all our materials and turn off

Resources to the house in Oshawa in expectation of departing on

Friday October 3; we'd to consume from shipping from subsequently until

Wednesday October 8. We were out-of cash in addition to materials

At that time.

Having no option, we transpired towards the Greyhound final in

Toronto over time for that 8am coach to Buffalo, and lay and

Waited in the centre of the waiting-room, informing everybody

Who'd hear our tale, before final Greyhound

Employees ultimately determined they needed to place us about the

10:30 coach to Buffalo, which may nevertheless get to time for you to create

Our 2:00 pm reference to Lakefront Lines.

The 10:30 am coach didn't possess a wheelchair lift. Our

Wheelchair, a guide, was folded-up and stowed as

Baggage, and that I was compelled e trip within the severe rear-seat,

Alongside the stinking toilet, since which was the only real

Location where I'd space to increase my broken feet.

From The moment I quit that coach in Buffalo to obtain back onto mu

Wheelchair, I had been in pain. The pain was agonizing.

Within The Buffalo final were two vehicles from Lakefront Lines.

Both had wheelchair lifts. Ni ether one worked. Allow me note

That Lakefront Lines was selected whilst the provider from Buffalo

To Cleveland by Greyhound of Europe, not by me.

Fortunately for people, abus owned by Fullington Trailways of Pennsylvania

Was within the final in those days. It'd a functional wheelchair

Raise simply because they have been planned to get two

Wheelchair guests there that evening, neither of whom

Really seemed.

Fullington Trailways got us to Pittsburgh with no end

And change vehicles in Cleveland, however the path created a lot of

Advanced stops that people came in Pittsburgh an hour or so

Later than originally planned.

As a result of this, the preparations we'd created locally to obtain

In the Greyhound terminal to my house in Pittsburgh dropped

Through, and we'd to hold back to get a minivan cab, which required

Two hours to reach while we got rained on.

The journey was agonizingly painful, unnecessarily extended, and

Mortally strenuous. It do not need to have already been.

That Is irrespective of pointless cost we were set to, and two

Months of developing panic and concern, questioning what unpleasant technique

Your company's 'disabled assistance' department' would

Draw on-US next. Missing some powerful proof towards the opposite

Later on, I am ready to get pledge the actual

Reason for Greyhound of Canadais handicapped help

Division would be to deter any handicapped individuals from driving

Greyhound of Europe vehicles

Regarding redress of my issues; I've needed to consider elevated

Blood pressure medicine since this devastating journey. Our

Physician may confirm to that particular. I'm also in elevated discomfort and

Consider tougher medicine for that. I've needed to proceed from the

Information wheelchair to some driven wheelchair consequently,

Since the level of my impairment has elevated like a result

Of the challenges of the journey.

Including real and psychological discomfort and suffering, real

Unexpected costs and common trouble, and also the

Major breach of my individual rights under Canadian regulation, I

Believe a complete reimbursement of the initial cost of the costs plus

Included payment within the quantity of $2,000.00 U.S. Is more

Than sensible to request.

Our new power wheelchair alone has price almost $8,000.00.

I also desire to recommend the next change in Greyhound of

Canada's methods and guidelines; Combine your help

To handicapped guests with that of Greyhound US. They offer

Using the issues much more effectively and expeditiously than

Your people do.

At absolute minimum, possess a distinct toll-free point to contact

To setup help for handicapped guests and submit that

Quantity broadly.

Your concerns individuals are obviously not qualified to deal with

Establishing help for that handicapped traveler, or to

Collect and transfer the necessary information. This entire company of

Having no method for the handicapped traveler to check out on the

Standing of the demand, of maintaining the telephone quantity of the

Handicapped help division a solution from guests,

Smacks of the poor film plan. It generates the recommendation that

The purpose might actually be to refuse support towards the handicapped

And abandon them without any option.

Also, within my conversations together with your numerous individuals on

Friday, October 3, I had been repeatedly informed that and that I estimate,

"we can not trouble additional guests only for one


I would like to explain some details. I've ridden Greyhound coaches

Often since becoming impaired. It was the very first time I

Purchased my solution from Greyhound of Canada. On earlier excursions,

They did precisely that; inconvenienced numerous additional

Guests to support the requirements of the handicapped. I noticed

Vehicles kept by around three hours. I noticed individuals who had

Seats informed they should watch for the following bus towards the same

Location since the setup for every wheelchair used 6

Or 8 chairs with respect to the specific installment in each


Indeed, on my newest trip TO Europe FROM Pittsburgh,

Before this catastrophe of the journey, After I found its way to Buffalo from

Erie, PA on the coach having a operating lift, it had been unearthed that

Despite a complete 7 days advance notice, Greyhound of Europe

Had didn't deliver abus with t wheelchair lift. It wasn't

The raise didn't function; there is no raise on that coach

What did they are doing? They set me back on the coach I'd appeared

In Buffalo on, refueled it, and created EVERY TRAVELER on the

Greyhound of Europe coach log off, obtain baggage, transfer that

Luggage towards the additional coach and obtain on it. The visit to Toronto

From Buffalo that morning was produced by a Greyhound US coach

As the Greyhound of Europe coach was used-to operate the remainder of

The united states vehicles path.

I would like to create a stage that the individual ell all appear to have

Overlooked; we're talking about trouble, frequently extremely small,

To X quantity of low-handicapped guests versus TOTAL REFUSAL

OF SUPPORT towards the handicapped when the plan of declining to

Inconvenience additional guests is followed. That's obviously

From the Canadian signal of human rights.

I'll be time for Europe this Sunday, November 9.

I'll start the journey on the Fullington coach since their

Situation to take me from Buffalo to Pittsburgh was that

They dominate the return journey aswell. ONCE THEY named you

To set up wheelchair hotels, they certainly were provided a

Immediate quantity to contact your handicapped help division.

THEY obtained full acceptance in units. They certainly were sworn to

Not expose that immediate quantity in my experience or every other traveler,

Approximately the Fullington repetition who assisted me apologetically reported

After I questioned him for this for probable future use.

Today Greyhound of Europe is laying towards the Canadian Human Rights Commission concerning the issue. If anybody available may declare to possess observed the Bloor West bus-stop in Oshawa Ontario Canada outlined like a full-service end (they've today transformed it) about the Greyhound Canada site, or may state that in Sept there is not really a separate 800-number to contact to setup help for handicapped guests on Greyhound Canada vehicles, please contact me, To ensure that I will contain your account against these unmitigated bastards.

Company: Greyhound of Canada
Country: USA
  <     >  


Poor service - Greyhound compaint

Have not got refund!

Greyhound Bus
Worst experience ever!

Greyhound Bus
Worst vacation event

Greyhound Bus Company
Got a return. Thanks!

Terrible company

Greyhound Bus Co
Terrible Service

Greyhound not arriving on time as stated in the tt

Cancelled and didn't refund

Greyhound buses are not reliable enough