Attorney Collection Agency
Terribly Rude and Vulgar!


I called this agency for insight about how debt is collected. I told the individual who answered that I was the one being collected from, and I would appreciate some insight, from the other side, of how I could be effected. This individual went into a rage and cussed me out. I am a female, and I dont think any woman should be spoken to in the manner that this so-called man spoke to me like. So, I called the person back and stated "this is how you speak to women, you coward?!" He proceeded to state disgusting vulgarities, as I repeatedly called him a coward for his initial response. I don't think this is a professional way of conducting business and people should know, before calling this place, what they could be possibly getting in terms of unprofessionalism, etc. If this guy thinks he's going to get away with this, he's CRAZY. He may have not ripped me off, but he deserves to be reported anyway.

Company: Attorney Collection Agency
Country: USA
State: California
City: Palos Verdes
Address: P.O. Box 2415
Phone: 8009899855
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Consumer Report

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