HE Agency
Bad service

Shops, Products, Services

HE Agency or High-End Agency or HE Entertainment and Louis LaRaz AKA Louis Zarel are Frauds and Scam artist.

HE Agency has no physical address and no telephone numbers. NO business is listed in CA under any of the fraudulent names Louis uses. He uses illegally uses the trade mark pending symbol next to HE Agency (TM). No listing or filing with the US patents and trademarks for any of his business names... Another Scam.

He also uses an "800" service to hide his cell phone number.

Louis is a Coward and a Fraud who steals money from young women and men with the promises of work in their trades. He has not only ripped us off we have met others he has ripped off money or didn't pay for services.

Louis is a Con Man, Coward and a Theif.

Company: HE Agency
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Site: heagency.com
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HE Agency High-End Agency And Louis Zarel Or Louis LeRaz
HE Agency and Louis Leraz AKA Louis Zarel are Frauds and Theives

Louis Zarel
Fraud alert!

High End Agency
HE Agency, HE Agency and Louis Zarel are Frauds

HE Talent Agency

HE Agency, High-End Agency, Lewis Zarel Or Lewis Leraz
HE Agency, High-End Agency and Lewis Zarel are Frauds and Petty Thieves

HE Agency
Bad service

Lewis Zarel
Scam and cheating

HE Agency
Bad service

Lewis Zarel
Terrible experience

Talentpackaging.com And Lewiszarel.com Are FRAUDS
Talentpackaging.com And Lewiszarel.com Lewis Zarel, Lewis Leraz Lewis Zarel - Lewis Leraz is a FRAUD and CON MAN, Miami, Los Angeles