Government Grant Information Guide


I have been contacted on my cell phone each day, Decemeber 21-23, at random times during the day, but always work hours. The caller states that his name is "Sean Michaels" and that my name has been selected and I'm guaranteed to receive $8,000 in grant money.

On the 21st I ask the "not fluent in English" gentlemen how he got my number, his response was that he did not understand my question. I told him to remove my name from his list, he responded "I cannot, I will call back later."

On the 22nd he called, very friendly, asking me how my day was. I asked him his name and the name of his company, I asked for the address and telephone number to his company. He stated that he could not provide that information until I verified my information. I replied, "You have enough of my information because you are the same guy that called me yesterday and I told you then dont call back, let me speak to your supervisor." He replies "I'll try back when you are in better mood, good day."

On the 23rd he called me 5 times in 15 minutes. I recorded his name and the name of his company before my phone disconnected. He immediately called back. I told him that what he was doing was harrassment and that it was illegal and that I would seek legal advisement. I was disconnected, and he immediately called back. He once again introduced himself, I told him do not call me again and hung up the call. The next two times I declined the call, he would not leave a message on voicemail.

He refuses to provide information about his company other than the name and acts as though he is confused with my hostility. He states that I cannot speak to a supervisor until I verify my information. I never confirm any of it and he continuously calls back. He has been informed that I am seeking legal assistance. I will have my phone records pulled and the number blocked. He has also been informed that it is against the law for telemarketers, even non profit to call a cell phone, and he has been informed that he is interrupting me at work.

Company: Government Grant Information Guide
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
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