Dem Computers
Online Greg ripoff Fake Cheap Junk Misleading and False ads consumer fraud ripoff ripoff deception ripped off and scammed screwed others too tricked and lied to us Indianapolis

Internet & Web

Demcomputers uses misleading ads in ebay to attract customers. All the components are subpar, and I suspect most are not brand his ads (Greg) he lists the computer as having 64mg Agp, this is misleading, this is onboard agp, up to 64mg. And the higher up you turn it, them more memory you steal from the system. Speaking of which, in the main ad line, he lists 512 but doesnt advertise as todays computer times, we view 512 as mgs of memory, ddr memory at that, in actuality, he is talking about L2 cache. Who gives a S#$% about L2 cache. This thing comes with Lan, L2 mainly helps if you have modem dial up connection to load pages faster. The system usually only comes with 256mg ddr memory, not the misleading 512 he lists.

The power supply listed says 300watt. Ok, mine has a sticker on it, and for shits and giggles I peeled it off, underneath it says 180watts, so put new sticker up and its upgraded? Most of the component names you will not recognize. My motherboard is PcChips, and I can get this off ebay for $20 all day long. There are NO system fans in the case at all. None. If you are a gamer, you know how bad this is. Your system, like mine will overheat alot. If you want to run word, excel or surf the net, this is the unit for you. Oh yeah, enhanced 3-d audio, codec 97. Woopie.

Customer service absolutely sucks. He has a answering machine, and NEVER returns your calls, I left message saying I would be there tomorrow, he returned my call. He does not answer emails, and all problems are your fault because you dont know how to load operating system. If you read his feedback, all his negatives pretty much refer to shitty customer service or slow delivery (2 weeks for me) and all his replies say pretty much "your fault, your an idiot". Shiping prices are not consistent. $39 -$79 for same units, what ever the buyer will pay I guess.

All items come with one year warranty, well good luck either getting him to return your emails or calls, or getting your parts. Its possible, but not an easy task. If you have recently won an auction thru demcomputersonline, I wish you all the best of luck. Contact some of the negative feedback leavers for your protection.

Company: Dem Computers
Country: USA
Phone: 8154837383
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Defective RAM Memory, Refused to Offer Refund unless I Revised and Removed Negative eBay Feedback

Computers ripoff: poorly constructed computers, bad customer service

Scammer, Fraud, Thief

IBuyPower Computer
Stole me memory when system sent for repairs

GE Consumer Relations
Circuit City Computer Support Plus Warranty Rip Off

Willco Electronics
Misleading sells of computers on Overstock Auctions

EBay, Edsbonebed
EBay & Their Feedback System & Edsbonebed ebay's new feedback system, edsbonebed

Demcomputersonline/greg DeMilio
Brought items thru ebay sent money no product sent total ripoff
Ought memory

DEM Computers Online
Ebay ripoff thieves sold product that wasn't what they said accepted ruturn of product but didn't return money