Total Ripoff Frozen Account No Good Reason Holds money up to 180 DAYS!

Internet & Web

Wow! What an eye opener! I am a newbie to Ebay and Paypal and I can only be glad that they decided to rip me off before I have a significant amount of money in there. Apparently everything is great with them as long as you are a buyer SENDING money or a seller that doesn't remove any money.
I just starting selling this past weekend and sold jewelry form a company that I USED TO BE a rep. For over two years ago. I sold 6 Transactions. NONE of the transactions were over $30. For those of us that are trying to make ends meet that measly $150 would have been a help right? WRONG.
Yesterday (Mon.) I get the form letter vague "your business exposes itself to too much risk letter" that now I am seeing all over the internet! They give me the proverbial list 9 miles long and included in the list they want "Invoices for my supplier" Wow! I called and said I will definitely look but, my goodness we are talking about costume jewelry that I purchased over 2 years ago. How many of you women have receipts for your costume jewelry (if you haven't lost 1 of each pair like me, you may not even have the jewelry!)

But whatever, I will look through the boxes since we moved 6 months ago. They also wanted my ID - now mind you I have a "premier account" a "verified bank account" "verified credit card complete with their address on file" and a "verified address" But, once again whatever It takes.

SO, today I get a letter that states "Appeal denied and that they will try to not disrupt my "company" anymore than necessary but, they might keep my measly $120 - by now from all the ebay fees etc. For UP To 180 DAYS!!! -WHAT? You're kidding? NOPE they're not.

So, I get hold of the jewelry company, get all the invoices, receipts, my id, my ss card, my credit card info, my HUD closing statement (just in case) Everything but my first-born son (since he is already in Heaven otherwise they might have asked...) and send it in. Guess what I get?

You got it Another FORM LETTER stating they received my info and will review it and make a decision. I ask you what decision? Whether my business of selling now 8 (2 more sold today) items of costume jewelry is a risk to our nation? Isn't it interesting how they will still continue to RECEIVE money in the account just now RELEASE money? Oh yeah, this whole thing began because I transferred (or attempted to transfer) a whopping $50 to my (verified) checking account. They promptly cancelled the transfer - funny I thought if was my money.

I just decided to jump on consumer complaints tonight and what an education! How do these people get away with it? I mean in one aspect it is reassuring to know that I am not the only one being treated like Bonnie and Clyde but, geez what a SCAM! I only wish I had looked them up on this site BEFORE I sold anything.

I sent an email to EBAY tonight and gave them this whole scoop but, I don't expect much. There's gotta be somebody out there that can stop these people from screwing the little people over? I mean Ebay advertises "The average house has about $2,200 worth of "stuff" around the house that they can sell" The only thing they don't say is that You better Dang-Well have receipts or invoices for that 4 yr. Old VCR/DVD player or Paypal (which they encourage you to use and even pay incentive for you to use) will freeze your account for "exposing them to too much risk"!!

Doesn't this qualify for some kind of monopoly or coercion or just plain old RIP_OFF laws?
I was amazed at how many there are out there that are having the same thing happen! Can we band together to get this stopped?
Amazed and Confused

Company: Paypal
Country: USA
Phone: 4029357733
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EBay Fraud - imposter jewelry sold as Anthropologie

Sellers get burned while buyers get protected

Ebay/PayPal Buyer Credit / GE Money Bank
Ebay purchase using Paypal and Paypal buyer credit

Ripoff Internet

Took my money from ebay sales on wont let me withdraw any not even shipping cost

Danielle Janine Jewelry
Buyer Beware! Stay AWAY

Suspended my Account for NO Reason & Will NOT Reply to Emails

Freezing funds

Ebay - Paypal
PayPal PayPal, excessive limitations and reserves on my money, can't ship items due to not being able to access funds, rediculous