Best Buy Corporation
Read the Fine Print for Returns!

Electronics and household app.

I guess I have always been used to companies standing by their products. Well, with Best Buy read the fine print. Bring your product back on the 31st day and you will not get a refund, exchange or anything else. It's within 30 days or else. The product I brought back had never been opened, was not damaged and would have been able to go back onto the shelf.
I guess this is their way of ensuring they stay around for a while.instead of customer service - their people are told they are to deny and/all returns past that 30 days.
Be careful out there - if you might need to return - go early! I will never purchase anything on-line or in their stores again. This is the 2nd time this has happened and they have lost a good customer!

Company: Best Buy Corporation
Country: USA
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Ripoff, No contact, no returns, damaged product, misleading

Affliated Acceptance Corporation - Profinserv
Be very very careful when signing any forms - warn your children to stay away from tanning companies, beware of not only health concerns but fine print fine print fine print
Customer Service

Colon Cure
Read the Fine Print!

Beware of sleazy contract, shoddy installation

Kollagen Intensiv
This is a ripoff!

Force Factor
Force Factor Bad Business Practices

Ultra Green
Ultra Green/AciaBurn Ripoff Weightloss

NuBodi, Or ColonCure
NuBodi Ordered product trial 7/8, arrived 7/19 and they charged my credit card 7/23 for the price of 30 day supply. There is no way that I can try the product for 4 days only, and was told to read the fine print

Best Buy
Consumer Report