Dell Financial
Call dont stop!

Electronics and household app.

My husband suprised me with a new computer for Christmas. Unfortulally he did not talk to me because i am trying hard to pay off the kids computer with Dell. Well we have been victims of this ecomony and my husband has taken a cut a work as i have myself. We fell one month late on a 20.00 payment. They called us all day Palm Sunday starting at 7am and didnt stop untill after 9:00.

The same on Easter and all week afterwards. When i would answer the phone i always got a machine, then after 5 min of press one and then 2 i finally got a person, THAT DID NOT SPEAK ENGLISH! I tried to tell them that i dont have the money, then they tell me that if i dont make the payment right now we would be charged and extra 40 dollars, but if i did pay them i have to pay a ONE TIME FEE OF 13.95 for processing! WHAT???
We didn't pay due to no money and they refused to nock of that 13.95. So they called my husbands boss! All day... Same thing. He was told that if it doesnt stop he will be fired!

So now we are stuck, how is this legal. Or right??? To make matters worse they will not work with me, who pays the bills they will just talk to my husband who cant hadle this crap.

Please if you dont have the money for a computer dont buy one! This company is a bunch of rich people who do there buisness in INDIA! Rather than hire us AMERICANS who are lossing our homes and everything else we worked hard to get! They dont care, they want us to move out of the US so they can take over! That is my feeling on it!!

Company: Dell Financial
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Carol Stream
Address: P.O Box 6403
Phone: 8002832210
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