Car Zone Of Dover
Be careful to read your contract. It's what they don't tell you that kills you! Ripoff

Cars & Transport

I was in desperate need of a vehicle for a low down payment. I don't have the best credit score so I have to try hard to find a company to work with. I went to Car Zone because they said they would take $300 down and work with me for the rest. I bought a 1998 Pontiac Sunfire. I am in the Army and get a steady guaranteed paycheck on the 1st and 15th of the month so that tells you I make a point to pay my bills on time.

Unfortunately I had a crisis that made me short on funds. Being the responsible adult, I immediately contacted the company to make arrangements to defer the payment since I was a good paying customer who made my payments on time every other week.

Over the phone, I was told that they do not defer payments and I would have to bring in my payment immediately or risk my car being repossed. Upset with that answer I did some research and contacted the owner by email stating my problem.

Later that day, (car payment only being one day in default) while at my job, a very rude woman interupped while I was with an applicant. "Are you % %?" I responded "yes I am, I will be with you shortly." "Well I'm here to take your car!" At that time Car Zone was already closed, so I went home to see if I had gotten an email back from the owner... Sure enough I did and to my surprise he seemed more flagrant and ignorant than his employees stating that he stands by his "No Grace Period Policy" and that financial troubles are not his problem that his employees will take the necessary actions to do what they have to do in the given situation.

Needless to say I was outraged and wanted nothing to do with this company that they could keep the garbage they sold me, but I needed a vehicle and I'd already invested into halfway paying the car off. So I got the car back. Next issue, somewhat along the same lines. I went TDY on and off for school and training and made arrangements for my mother to take over payments while I was away. She had lost track of the payment schedule and was one week behind, when she went to pay them for the week behind, the next week's payment had come up so she explained to them she would pay the week behind and come back that Friday to catch up. They refused to take her money. Needless to say later that night, they repossed the vehicle again.

So now, i paid the car off to wash my hands of them completely and will be sure to tell everyone i know. That car zone of dover is a ripoff. They will not work with you after you purchase the car! Buyer beware! If you want a good running, nice looking car for a reasonable price, and be treated with kindness and respect. Go see the lovely people at champion motors in felton. That is where i got my new car. A much better one that is financed and has a reasonable grace period!

Company: Car Zone Of Dover
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Dover
Address: 650 S Dupont Hwy
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