CITI Cards
Citibank's refusal to cancel an account

Business & Finance

My father suffered a severe stroke & was hospitilized on 06/28/09 in Sylmar, CA. This was a sudden and he has been diagonosed with severe demenita & is unable to make decisions on his own. He is not capable of appointing Power of Attorney, and as his oldest child assumed responsibility for his care. I had his address changed to mine (I live in WI) and have been receiving his mail. I recently received a letter from Citi Card advising that of 04/01/10 a $60 a year fee would be charged to his account unless he charged up to $2400 a year (an approximate $200/month spending). I sent them a kind letter along with a copy of the Doctor's evaluation that he is incapable of making any decisions (he is almost comatose) and requesting that the account be closed due to his condition and the inactivity on the card. This card has not even been activated. I received a letter yesterday requesting that he (my father) sign power of attorney or sign a document that would allow me to close this account. What don't they understand about the doctor's letter indicating that he is incapable of making any decisions? I have offered to return the non-activated credit card that has been cut in half and they still refuse to accept that this card is not in use and has had no action on it in more than 2 years? Citibank was one of the first banks to put their hands in the pocket of the US Gov't to accept bail out money and has issued huge bonuses to their corporate managers. I am a single women struggling to make ends meet in this economy and am unable to obtain Conservatorship unless I can come up with a mimimum of $5000 (quoted by 2 attorneys) as a retainer fee. I am a struggling tax payer trying to make my own way and deal with the heartache and burden of trying to take care of an elderly, ill parent from a distance. I feel that Citibank is a greedy, unsimpathetic conglomerate. I did speak with an attorney (I had a half-hour free consult), and they have advised me that I have done due diligence in notifying Citi Card of my father's situation. I have also advised Citi Card that there is no estate to attach for their charges. The attorney also advised me to tell Citi Bank to "POUND SAND". I know that there are other people out there going through the same situation and hopefully by my addressing this problem there can be some resolution for all of us struggling through this same problem.

Company: CITI Cards
Country: USA
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Was billed for an account that I did not have nor contract I did not sign