Citi Card
Citi Group Etc, "Credit Protector Ripoff" Athorized users adding but unable to remove services.inVALID CHARGES Jacksonville FloridaCitiBusiness / AAdvantage Customer Service

Business & Finance

My "authorized user" was approached by Citi Card to add "credit protector". Despite this not being allowed. My "authorized user" added this worthless service, and informed me a couple of days later. I informed my "authorized user" that this could not stand, and to remove it yesterday. Credit protector would not allow my authorized user to remove the service because the "authorized user" wasn't the primary card holder. So I called when I noticed it on the bill, which was a couple of months later. They claimed they would take care of it.

A couple of weeks later I got a letter stating it was "valid" and they would not remove the fees. I disputed it again, this time I was going to cancel my account. They said they would take care of it, and again a couple of weeks later I got their smart letter stating they would not remove the fees. I CANCELED my account with them, today, and would never go back.

* I will NOT pay the monies they are requesting for credit protection fees and will deduct it from the over all balance when I reach the end of my paying off period.* PERIOD. We will see how strong their "Authorized to add, but not delete theory holds up in court."


Citi card was easy to do business with for a couple of years. Something has changed, and I would highly advise against dealing with them in future.

Company: Citi Card
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: General CorrespondenceCitiBusiness / AAdvantage
Phone: 8003474934
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