CITI GROUP - Citibank - CalFed

Business & Finance

I was issued a credit on an ATM card that I had from CalFed Bank. Citibank bought CalFed.instead of posting the credit to my account, they posted it as a debit, and turned me over to collection not once but twice. I could never get anyone to answer any of my phone calls. I even hired an attorney, and she didnt have any more luck than I did.

Now I have to continue to moniter my credit report to make sure that they have not sent me to collection a 3rd time without my knowledge. Both times I was sent to collection I faxed copies of the credit and both times the collection process was stopped.

I am still without my $148 and still do not have any explaination from Citibank as to why.

chula vista, California

Company: CITI GROUP - Citibank - CalFed
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 352 H St
Phone: 6194273112
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