America's Servicing Company
Poor service and indifferent attitude

Business & Finance

Trying to obtain paperwork from this company is next to impossible. First I called and asked for the paperwork to be mailed to me (2-22-05). Two weeks later I called again (3-9-05) to follow up and found that the request had been deleted. This time I was told the information would be faxed to me. One week later (3-16-05) I called for the third time to make the same request. I spoke to the "manager" Morgan Groft, who said, coldly, that she would make a note of my dissatisfaction.

Whatever happened to the concept of an apology? This woman did not acknowledge the inconvenience I had experienced and offered no "I'm sorry for your trouble" or the like. It appeared as if I had interrupted her day with my call, because she seemed put out at having to deal with me at all.

I am trying to eliminate my MIP payment, so every day lost is costing me money. I should be well on my way to getting this taken care of, but I don't even have the paperwork I need yet. What a ripoff! I had read negative reports on this web site before—now I can add my report to the growing list.

Company: America's Servicing Company
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: P.O. Box 37297
Phone: 8664300675
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Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
America's Servicing Company Liars! They led me to believe we were working on a solution

Premier Family Services
Denied refund

United Cash Loans
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America's Servicing Company
They're ripping us off Say we owe more than we do and pulling stall tatics

America's Servicing Company
Being ProActive, does not work for this company, Ripoff

Wells Fargo Auto Finance
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